Training Fuinjutsu! part-1

{Training Room #07, Konoha Library, Konohagakure}

{6:01 PM, 23rd May 12 Yrs ANB}

{3rd Person POV}

Ren stared at the finished seal and stood up from his chair, since the seal didn't blow up he needed to use a small amount of chakra to activate the trigger seal. The chakra would flow throughout the seal, and if everything were okay he wouldn't have to worry about the seal malfunctioning.

"Would you stop being a pussy and trust your seal a little bit more," Rinko-san spoke from her seat at the reception/primary table.

Ren stopped mid-jump hearing her and missed the timing to jump away thankfully the blue box appeared in front of him indicating a newly completed seal.

"Why did you do that Rinko-san" Ren was confused at her interruption she had not spoken to him a lot after first explaining things almost a couple of months ago.

"You are scared every time after completing a seal but none of your seals have actually blown up after the first couple of weeks," Rinko-san gave him a pointed look.

"You need to have confidence in your thinking process be innovative and think things thoroughly instead of just starting making another seal monotonously." She approached his table and looked at the explosive tag he had made.

"This is a good seal you have almost perfectly mastered the explosion tag, now instead of just creating another like a machine you could stop, examine your seal, and plan ahead. I have been watching you doing this for months now and I didn't want to interrupt your self-learning before but you are going in the wrong direction here." Rinko-san pointed out several things wrong with his approach according to her.

Ren felt a little cheated of his accomplishments but then again he was just relying on his weird powers for his mastery of fuinjutsu till now so he had no leg to stand on. Truthfully he was grinding fuinjutsu as it was the easiest way to gain INT stats. Every level in any seal gave him a +1 boost and every level in Basic fuinjutsu gave him a +2 bonus. His {Explosive tag} was at level 3, {storage scroll seal} at level 2 and the {resistance seal} was at level 1.

'I have gained +8 stat points in INT due to grinding fuinjutsu, although the speed of upgrading is a lot slower than my physical stats it can at least keep up with my chakra growth.'

Ren felt a little cheated as he remembered the chakra control requirements of the Mystical Palm jutsu he got as a reward, even after three months of grinding chakra control and increasing his INT he is nowhere close to having enough chakra control to learn that technique.

'I would still need access to the genin library to have more books to gain the skill {Human anatomy knowledge}, that pre-requisite still seems easier to me than to get my chakra control above 65%.'

"What do you recommend Rieko-san," Ren asked since someone was giving him free advice he wasn't going to refuse it.

"The essence of fuinjutsu lies in creation, to find new ways to manipulate chakra into patterns that were not thought of by your predecessors to create something new. I'll show you an example," she walked up to her table and opened her drawer after searching for a bit she came back with a small sealing scroll and presented it to Ren.

"Here this one should be charged so I could show you, come with me..." Rinko-san spoke as she walked towards the door at the other end of the entrance, the door led to an open backyard that extended into a training ground. Ren marveled at the expansive training ground and asked, "Ready?"

Upon seeing him nod, Reiko-san opened the scroll and aimed it forward, a dragon head made of lighting came out of the scroll and attacked a boulder in front of them. The boulder burst apart and dirt flew everywhere, Ren had to close his eyes and look away to protect his eyes but when he looked back he only found scorched ground.

"What was that?" Ren asked if he had never seen that jutsu before, and she just used it by opening a scroll.

"That's my latest invention, since lightning natured... wait do you know about the different types of chakra natures and their advantage over one another?" she asked.

"Yeah, Fire is weak to Water, Water is weak to Earth, Earth is weak to Lighting, Lighting is weak to Wind and Wind is weak to Fire." Ren recited what he learned in the academy. Although the water and earth one didn't make sense to him the rest were fairly easy to understand.

"Okay good, so as you said there are 5 chakra types with an advantage against one another, one of our primary enemies is Iwa and our fire jutsu's are not able to break through their defense in a confrontation." Rinko-san then presented the scroll once again, Ren's eyes traced multiple unfamiliar Kanji as he read through the Shiki formulae for the seal.

"Don't try to copy this one, this formulae isn't stable and incomplete," Rinko-san warned before she continued, "This is a part of the jutsu sealing/unsealing branch. I want to be able to store a powerful enough B-rank technique in the scroll but currently, the cost of chakra is almost quadruple and the seal doesn't last a long time before the chakra leaks."

Ren stared at the formulae once again and then turned to look at the scorched ground not far away, he was tempted he knew. Although Rinko-san managed to list out a number of points that is against the current version of the seal, Ren could envision the properties.

He remembered the sensation when he increased the {Exploding tag} seal a week ago, new knowledge regarding the placement of the core components of the seal appeared in his mind making the exploding tag almost twice as strong.

'If I can upgrade this scroll would that mean I would be able to use jutsu of all the 5 elements?'

A dream began to take place in Ren's mind as he turned to Riko-san and asked, "Rinko-san, are there any scrolls on fuinjutsu kanji that I could use, the academy only taught us the basics needed to create the sealing scroll and the exploding tag..."


AN- So an offensive Fuinjutsu master and a medic-nin, that's my build plan for Ren, what do you guys think?