Joining the Akatsuki! Part-2

{Apartment Building #13, Amegakure}

{8:53 PM, 23rd July 13 Yrs ANB}

{3rd Person POV}


"Cough~" Ren coughed, he used his right hand to stop the blood that was coming from his mouth as he stopped forcing chakra to overflow the second gate. As soon as he stopped, his muscles seized up again. With familiar actions, Ren started healing himself as he stared at the notifications in front of him.


[Gate of Opening opened!]

[+100% to INT]

[Chakra +50%]


[ Gate of Healing opened]

[+100% to STR]

[Effects of healing jutsu on muscle injuries +1000%]


[Endurance check: END<250]

[Negative Status Effect Applied]

[Ruptured Muscles: Due to pushing past the limits of your body, your muscles have suffered some damage.]

[+5 END]

[-50% to STR and DEX]


The Gate of Healing was the second gate and it was present in the brain's right hemisphere. While the Gate of Opening focuses on improving the nerve reaction time and other neuron-based functions of the body. The Gate of Healing focuses directly on the muscles. 

The extra chakra does help in healing through injuries but it is limited to injuries to the muscle strain or tear. Ren coughed again as healing chakra slowly started to seep into his body repairing the damage he had suffered. 

His body had gotten used to the rough treatment, and he knew that tomorrow morning all the soreness would be gone, he felt like an empty husk at the moment. 

'Right, I should not push the limits of this skill. I barely went a couple of seconds past 20 and the amount of damage increased substantially. My powers are very likely protecting me from blowing myself up and being greedy isn't a good idea.' Ren thought as he slowly stood up and walked to the door, he pressed his hand against the top right corner and sent a pulse of chakra deactivating the seal that he had placed on the room.

After the first day, he applied this seal that blocked anyone outside his room to sense the massive amount of chakra that he was releasing. It was a privacy seal that could hide the chakra signature of even an S-rank shinobi.

'My total chakra almost doubled after I opened 2 gates, if I reach the third gate this seal might not be enough.' Ren thought he gritted his teeth in frustration as he thought about how to deal with this new problem. 

'I don't really have a choice now do I,' Ren thought as he sighed. He made a modified Tiger hand seal and a shadow clone appeared beside him momentarily before it dispelled itself.

'Hopefully, Hiruzen would not disappoint me this time...'



{Konoha Hospital, Konohagakure}

{8:54 PM, 23rd July 13 Yrs ANB}

{3rd Person POV}

Ren's clone dazed out of the conversation that was happening in front of him as he focused on the new memories he got from the original. Since he was wearing an ANBU mask the occupants of the room weren't able to see this change.

Tsunade frowned as she continued, "...I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do Sensei, even if I was here the day this seal was applied, without prior extensive research I would not dare meddle with the chakra network." 

She was pressing her hands onto the shoulders of an unconscious Hinata. Haishi, Tsunade, and Hiruzen were the only three other people in the room.

"I see," Hiruzen replied, he was expecting more but the chakra network was a sensitive topic and no one wanted to be the first person in line for a new experiment. 

"Though the infiltration of this seal is a lot less than the other case..." Tsunade muttered, "It was a good idea to stop the infiltration of the seal with Yin suppression. That also gave me some insight as to why Orochimaru designed this seal."

Tsunade's face had a grave look at several possibilities along with the words about immortality that Orochimaru spoke on their last visit. She was really tempted by the thought of talking to Nawaki and Katō's consciousness but the moron was there to knock some sense into her. 

"Well you would have to thank Fox for that, he was the first one to respond to their seals," Hiruzen spoke, he shifted the attention of the whole room to Ren who focused back on the conversation. 

"Yeah, I meant to ask you about that, I don't think any of my students could have such precise insight into what the seal was doing." Tsunade complimented as she turned to look at Ren. 

His height was the quickest giveaway that he was quite young, although the ANBU mask regulated his voice when he spoke, "I know some sealing as well Tsunade-sama, so I had more venues of collecting knowledge."

"Hmm, but how did you figure out that by using yin chakra you could suppress the infiltration of the seal?" Tsunade asked. Most medic-nin wouldn't be able to make that connection, and using yang chakra would have just suppressed Hinata or Sasuke's chakra network.

"Because Orochimaru let them live," Ren shrugged, "Since he let them live. It means that he still had some use for them. And there were just two possibilities left, the seal was craving a chakra pathway almost parallel to Sasuke and Hinata's existing chakra network. The other was that it was an experimental attack seal and in that case, Sasuke and Hinata were screwed no matter what I do." Ren reasoned.

Hiashi had to stop himself from showing any obvious signs of anger but Ren's eyes still flickered toward him as his stance shifted slightly.

'He has sharp senses,' Hiashi admitted as he took a couple of deep breaths to keep the hostility out of his thoughts.

"Hmm..." Tsunade hummed as she tried to figure out Ren's identity, after a moment she gave up and asked sensei, "Alright there is nothing I can do here for now. The evil sealing method would hold unless the seal is stimulated continuously and consciously." 

Tsunade's hands stopped glowing as she took a step back. Haishi walked forward and supported Hinata. 

"You can go Ren," Hiruzen dismissed Ren, he was hoping Tsunade would be able to gain more insight if she listened to what happened according to what Ren saw but see never asked.

"Uh, Hokage-sama?" Ren hesitated and then asked, the faster he was able to gather more fuinjutsu knowledge the faster he could focus on learning more privacy seals.

"Boss has encountered a problem, he wants some privacy seals that would be able to hide his chakra signature for a few minutes," Ren spoke. 

Hiruzen's eyes sharpened as he asked urgently, "What kind of problems?" 

The war had already started, the pitstop here was the last spot that he was taking Tsunade around before she was deployed along the front lines. The last thing he needed was to lose the supply lines.

'It really was a bad idea... should we plan a rescue mission to Ame. But with Hanzo not there and 2 S-rank shinobi it is a very large variable...' Hiruzen thought. 

Ren had already given Hiruzen a description of Konan and Zetsu, and while he had no knowledge about Zetsu, he knew about the orphans that Jiraiya had taught during the 2nd Shinobi World War.

'No, we need to keep our platoons away from Ame, Jiraiya can't know about the orphans yet, especially before the war ends.' Hiruzen thought, his eyes hardened at the thought of an unknown enemy right outside Konoha's borders.

'Ren needs to in Ame stay as well, as long as he can maintain his safety he will be able to gain more crucial information...' Hiruzen concluded. 

Iwa's aggression and assassination attempts at Naruto, the clans showing displeasure at not being informed about Naruto's true parentage. And the war was piling up the pressure that Hiruzen was under.

"Sure, come back to my office in a couple of hours..." Hiruzen spoke when Ren explained that it was a precautionary measure.

Ren body flickered out of the room.

"So, who's he?" Tsunade asked.

"Take the position of Hokage and you can find out on your own." Hiruzen countered but Tusnade immediately began walking away.

'Just because I was away from Konoha for a couple of decades doesn't mean I can't find the identity of an ANBU...'