"Salve please." Vanessa requested, stretching her hands forward.

"Here," Amy passed a small, mint-colored container to her.

"Thanks sis," Van received the salve container and moved on, stopping when she got to Ray's side. He had a neutral expression, watching her with narrowed eyes.

"How'd I fare?" She asked him, eager to get a score above average. Raymond had started giving rigorous training to both girls but Van had had it much worse such that she started thinking Raymond had a personal vendetta against her.

During the past few days, Raymond had rarely given her any good score! The only aspect where she had a high mark was the strength aspect, and that high mark was just an average score. All other scores were below average.

Although Raymond was very stingy with his marks, Van knew with how much of a perfectionist her brother was, it was for the right reasons. Thus, the low marks only spurred her to keep trying harder.