Amson, 17, "A Painstaking Prelude"

"Hurry up!" Nicky yelled, kicking the back of my seat. "What the hell's the hold up?!"

Myself, Nicky, and Baun rode as we usually did, though more chaotic than usual. It seemed Nicky was excited for the party, but knowing her, that'd be short-lived. She's the spoiled rich kid that doesn't like when things aren't tuned to her distinctly stingy liking, and with my house, she's bound to be disappointed.

Normally, I wouldn't let someone like her near my house, but I couldn't just turn her away, for Baun's sake. Even though the party wouldn't even start until a few hours after we arrived, there was a bit of unease within myself; I guess its normal to have a bit of anxiety. Lore was left with all the preparations concerning the party, and we wouldn't be able to see them until we made it there.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, Grinner." She said, finally ceasing her endless kicking.

"What's up?" I leaned my head to signify that I was listening.

"So..." She started. "...What's your sister like."

I acted like I was thinking, but the answer popped in my head the instant I heard her question.

"In a way, she reminds me of you." I said.

"Really?" She got all excited.

"Fuck no." I said flatly, laughing my ass off.

Nicky slammed her feet against my seat, this time nearly slamming my face against the dashboard. I couldn't help but continue laughing.

"You're a bitch, Grinner!" She squeaked, filling the car with an even bitchier screech.

Baun spoke sternly from the driver's seat.

"Calm down, Nick." He said without any protest from Nicky. "She does remind me of you, but in a different way from what Amson's probably thinking."

Nicky shut up like a cap had been placed around her mouth. When I call her Nick, she gets all pissy, but when Baun does, she's as obedient as a doll. Baun continued, his eyes still focused on the road before us.

"From what I've seen of her, she's real outgoing, the same way you are." He said.

"I mean..." She struggled to say it. "...What does she look like?"

"That's a completely different question, man." I interrupted, folding my arms and kicking my feet onto the dash. "Which one is it?"

"You can chew on a dick, Grinner." She lightly slapped a fist against my seat. "I'm talking to Baun."

It took a second for Baun to get what she was actually trying to say. He'd landed himself in a strange predicament, joining in on our bickering this time.

"No, no, no." Baun assured her. "She's pretty but ya'll are in different leagues."

"What the fuck, Baun?!" Nicky flared.

I sat there, knowing exactly where this conversation was going to go after that petty fit. I leaned into my seat, trying to drown out the noise but failing miserably.

"What'd I say?" Baun looked cornered.

"You've been eyeing Grinner's sister, huh?!"

"When'd I say that? You're thinking way too far into this."

I finally butt in.

"I'd have more to say if he called her ugly, Nick." I said, my poor attempt at de-escalation. "Anyways, she's 21. She doesn't fuck with younger dudes."

'Doubt she's his type, either, seeing as he's with probably the polar opposite.' I wanted to say it but kept it to myself.

"That doesn't excuse a thing." She instigated.

"Would you just get over it?" I sighed. "If he didn't want to put up with you, you wouldn't be in his car."

To my surprise, that actually shut her the hell up, and she sat in the back seat, pouting to herself for God-knows what reason. As the third wheel, I couldn't give two shits about hurting her feelings, but I could tell that last comment nearly crossed a line; it was by some miracle that the conversation ended there.

I looked at Baun's expression, fresh sweat still lining his brow from the short-winded interrogation he'd been subjected to. Thinking on it, I would never be able to put up with half the shit Nicky throws in his face, even under the delusion of "The Liar."

But that's why she's his girlfriend, I guess.

We rode the rest of the trip in silence, not a single peep from anything but the radio at the center of his console. It was dialed down, but after a while of silence, he turned it up, filling the truck with country-soul harmonics. For the rest of the ride, I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on my neck, but insecurities were reserved for "The Liar"; I shrugged the feeling clean from my back.


"Wake up, Nick." I shook Nicky carefully. "Nick~!"

We'd finally arrived at my house, but with Nicky sound asleep, we couldn't just leave her to cook in Baun's tinted truck. Baun circled around the hood, and I motioned for him to intervene, careful not to overstep my grounds.

"She won't budge." I told him, holding the door open.

"One thing I know is that she's a heavy sleeper." Baun took the lead, and I got out of his way. "You just gotta use a bit of finesse."

Baun jabbed two fingers into her side, the complete opposite of finesse. She jumped up, startled, and I laughed stiffly.

"That was real..." I looked at Nicky and back to Baun. "...subtle, Baun."

He ignored me, but understandably so. Nicky was clearly shaken but, all the same, unfazed by the rough awakening.

"Everything alright?" Baun asked compassionately.

"Y-Yeah." Nicky groaned, finally climbing out of the truck.

Baun closed the door behind her, and we headed for the door. I took the lead, as I was the only one with the key, but not before taking a peek through the glass, my curiosity peaking.

"Why're you peeking into your own house, Grinner?" Nicky jabbed. "Place'd be too offensive to rob, anyways."

"That's real sweet, Nick." I said sarcastically, still peering through a crack in the window. "Maybe you could spare some cheddar for us poor, grungy souls."

I stopped, aiming my key at the lock as I approached the door again.

"You'd sully any dollar you touched, Grinner." She snarled. "Allowing that would only stain my pristine soul."

"Whatever you say." I said, turning the knob and opening the door.

The light of the room flushed out the door, and I stood, stunned. Gaudy decorations lined the walls and ceiling, making the house look trashed but at least a bit fashionable. A table tennis set, pile of food, and DJ stand somehow fit within the bottom floor of our house, making it seem a bit larger than it actually was.

None of us moved an inch.

"What the hell..." Baun mouthed, taking in the sight.