Amson, 18, "Birthday Wishes"

Nicky stared into my eyes, unsettling me to my very core. Sound flushed in as she slowly pushed the door open, but it quickly dissipated as she closed the door behind herself. She entered without a word, and I strained to look at her expression, trying to read her with my vision still hazy. Most of what I could make out was conjecture, my memory of what I thought she looked like.

She had blonde hair that nearly reached to the floor in length; that, I could make out as clear as day. It trailed behind her every step, flowing effortlessly through a dead breeze. Her face, from memory, was almost completely how you'd imagine a stuck-up, rich girl to look. With her money, she could make her face however she wanted, so seeing her walk around never warranted me a second thought, though I knew she was freakishly more revered than even Baun was. Money and a pretty face but dumb as bricks, your stereotypical, blonde brat.

Still, there she stood, the face of a model trained directly upon my failing eyes. I saw as her figure approached my bed, and finally, she spoke, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Why'd you leave the party, Grinner?" She sat near where my legs lie, shaking the bed violently with her no-so-gentle landing.

"Do I look like I'm in partying shape, Nick?" I groaned. "What do you want? Shouldn't you be downstairs partying with Baun?"

She hesitated, a strange moment of apprehension. I caught notice of it, and something signaled inside my head. I couldn't understand what.

"...Baun-- Baun is gone, Amson." She said, discouraged.

I froze.

"Gone? The fuck you mean he's gone?" I asked, confused.

"Gone means gone, Grinner." She insisted, annoyed. "He left."

I thought for a moment. Too many questions surfaced inside my brain. 'One at a time', I told myself. I wouldn't receive any answers if I overthought like I always did.

"Th-Then where does that leave you or I?" I asked. "You rode with him."

She wouldn't answer me, and I sat there, only able to see the outline of her body yet no detail. What did her expression look like, and if I saw it, would I be able to figure out why I got this vibe from just being in the same room with her. My mind told me to exit the situation, but I couldn't if I tried. I was much too weak.

"...I-I could call my parents to come get me a ride." She insisted. "There'd be nothing to worry about."

"But what about Baun?" I challenged. "Why did he leave so early? Even Tyriq was looking for him."

"Something came up at his house, he said." She insisted, again. "Probably something personal."

She gradually began sounding as if pleading for me to believe her, but all the same, it was so unnatural, so forced the tone of her voice. She sounded disingenuous, and the things she said didn't match up with who I knew Baun to be. More and more, it started to sound like she didn't know Baun from atom, and my apprehension to believe her was based almost entirely on that uneasy feeling I felt being in her presence.

"Still, I can't imagine he'd just up and leave you without telling anyone, Nicky." I said, trying to get myself more on her eye level with minimal success. "Be real with me. If he left, then why?"

She paused, hiding her face from me.

"Does he really matter, Amson?" Nick whispered under her breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

That one sentence caught me off guard, and I began to question who I was talking to. To throw all worry away when your boyfriend is missing... Something wasn't right. Why was she in my room, talking to me like this? Her tone, her posture, everything was just wrong. My breathing grew heavy, and I tried to scoot away from her, just hoping to God she wouldn't notice my subtle retreat while she sat there, lost in thought, herself. If all these warnings were false alarms, one fact stood, solidifying something, whether it be related or not, was not right.

The way she said my name was almost perverted, a sick sound to hear when someone's uttering your name.

"I-I uh... I'd best get to bed, Nicky." I tried. "I've got to recuperate from the shit in my system y'know?"

My retreat stopped, and I froze solid, Nicky grabbing me and forcing me to stop. Fear immediately seeped through my being as she rubbed her hand around, feeling the spot she'd grabbed intently.

She'd wrapped all five fingers around my dick, only protected by the fabric of my shorts.

"What the fuck are you doing, Nick?!" I slapped her hand away, huffing loudly as I tried catching up with myself.

"Don't be like that." She whispered. "You're always like that."

"D-Don't touch me, man!" I tried scooting away to no avail. "The hell's gotten into you?!"

She smiled, licking her lips and looking down to me from her seated position. The look in her eyes was that of a crazed, sadistic monster, and I couldn't control my breathing looking into them. She reached toward me again, running her hands into my clothing before my body could make a reaction.

"Nothing!" She yelled hysterically. "But soon, something that should've been a long time ago will be!"

"Whatever the hell you're looking for, Nick, it's not here!" I struggled, coughing from exhausting. "L-Leave me be! I will never be this to you!"

"Oh, why don't you just shut up?!" Nicky yelled, jumping onto me and knocking all air from my lungs. "Don't you see just how much I love you, Amsy? Even though I love you so much, why do you keep resisting me?"

I pleaded for air, flailing my arms in a desperate attempt to breathe. Nicky laughed at my struggle, feeling along my body as I was defenseless. I shoved her away, again, but she easily returned atop my waist, getting comfortable.

"I've let all these other girls gawk at you from the sidelines for too long." She grabbed my face, squeezing my cheeks and shaking until I was disoriented. "You can't imagine how long I've been waiting for this moment, my darling boy."

"Don't you fucking patronize me, bitch." I growled. "Do you not feel anything for Baun?"

She pressed her chest against mine, laying along the surface of my body as my body'd truly gone numb. The most I could do is talk, begging to this whore. Yet I knew that I had nothing to convince her with; someone with everything wasn't going to be bargained with.

"I love you." She reiterated. "Isn't that all that matters, Amson? You've always been so cold to me, but deep down, I knew you loved me the same, to--"

"I don't fucking love you, you goddamn whore!" I screamed using all the power within me. "I'll fucking kill yo--"

She plugged my mouth with a finger, something at the tip. I felt the shape of a pill, instantly spitting it outward, but she pressed it back in, shoving it even further down my throat until I gagged. I coughed, my eyes a bright red from strain; it was already too late. I felt the muscles around my mouth and eyes relax, and my body grew numb.

The little vision I had slowly evaporated into the air.

"I know you don't mean that, Amsy." She said, rubbing my numbed cheek. "It's best that I shut your potty mouth before you say something super mean. It might hurt my feelings."

She reached into my shorts, ripping them clean off. The clock ticked midnight, and I looked mortified as my vision gradually came to a halt.

"You'll be a good boy from now until we're done solidifying our love, my prince Amson." Nicky teased. "Our happiest birthday."