Bernice sat by the window and looked out, her eyes puffy and tired. But she couldn't close her eyes. Lucas sat leaning against the bed, while Josh had curled up and fallen asleep an hour ago.

"What's happening to our world," Bernice lamented.

"We can't blame it on the state of disintegration, Bern. But we must defend this Earth from these aliens."

Bernice gave Lucas a quick look. "There are many of them. One Orb can wipe out a city, if it weren't for Elijah, this place would be attacked eventually."

"Just think, you're safe here and we can think of another way to fight them."

Lucas doesn't want to be selfish, but isn't that the way it should be? Heal a broken and sad heart, then get up and give back.

"Get some rest, Bern," Lucas pleaded.

The girl moved away from the windowsill and climbed onto her bed. She lay down and tilted her body toward Lucas, who was on the other side of the bed.

"If Elijah had survived, we might be celebrating a birthday with him," Bernice said softly.

"He's with us now."

"I shouldn't have taken you out of the Academy. You were right, I was the biggest idiot in the world. It was me who should have died, Lucas."

Lucas just exhaled. "Don't say that, Bern. It's not your fault."

Bernice burst into tears again, though she tried to hold back her sobs. "Oh, my God. My heart hurts so much."

Lucas made no reply, and in fact cast his eyes to the window, not wanting to shed any more tears. He often made fun of Elijah, or teased him too much, but to Lucas, Elijah was the best brother.

"Do you know what I'd like to say to Elijah if I could just see him again?" Bernice said suddenly.

"No." Lucas shook his head.

"I love him."

Lucas swallowed and nodded briefly. This time it was his heart that hurt. Should he be grateful that Elijah was gone when he found out that the person he loved actually loved his best friend?


The youths heard no news for two full days after they had been there. In fact, they seemed to be busy helping the Deformity and the Army at Alpha's headquarters. Many people came to evacuate as news of the alien attack spread.

All the survivors from the city that had not been attacked flocked to the headquarters. Alpha headquarters became frenzied and overcrowded with civilians. But where else would people run to besides Deformity and the Army?

"There's no group from the Academy," Bernice said, sounding very worried.

"Maybe the Deformities are scouring the city for survivors," Josh replied.

The three of them were in the room that afternoon after helping out all morning and being told to rest before dinner.

"They should have prioritized the children first." Bernice grumbled.

"We have to think positive, everything is fine and the Masters can handle the ants."

Bernice didn't disagree with Lucas, but she had seen how vicious the ants were. It was fortunate that their bracelets were open, so their strength was not restrained. As for those in the Academy, even though they had power, there was still a limitation.

"I'm hungry," Josh complained.

The young man got up and walked to the door. To the astonishment of Bernice and Lucas.

"Where are you going?" asked Lucas.

"To the kitchen. Help whoever's cooking, and at least I can have a taste first."

"I'm in." Lucas scrambled out of bed, looking excited. "Come on, Bern!"

Bernice shrugged reluctantly. "I'm not as hoarse as you. You go on, I'll stay here."

The two young men chuckled and started to leave the room, but there was a sudden knock on the door. The door opened and Bone was standing in the doorway, nodding quickly to the three teens in the room.

"Bone, have you been to the Academy?" asked Bernice, half running over to the man. "How are our friends and the Master?"

"I didn't go, but the Army and the Deformity troops left and just got there," Bone replied. He looked uncomfortable even as he tried to cover it up.

"And?" Bernice was curious.

Bone sighed quietly and said, "No one survived, Bernice. The Academy is destroyed."

Bernice suddenly fell to the floor and burst into tears. Lucas rushed to hug the girl and tried to calm her in a whispered voice. Meanwhile, Josh looked furious, his hands clenched in anger.

"I know you must be sad and hurt, but I want you to stay strong," Bone said.

Josh wanted to say, 'Yeah, that's easy for you to say'. But then Josh remembered that Bone had lost his comrades before his eyes. The man looked so strong, but no one knew what was in his heart.

Bone cleared his throat. "Master Gideon asked me to pick you up and meet him."

The three Academione knew who Gideon was. He was one of the Deformity leaders they had met last night. Known to be very persistent against the rebels and very disciplined, he was the first graduate of Deformity, eighteen years ago. He was seventeen at the time.

If Gideon had asked the three boys to see him, it meant that something very important was going on.

"Seriously? I didn't hear that wrong, did I?" Josh blinked in disbelief.

"He's going to punish us for running away from the Academy, isn't he?" asked Lucas. His face was already pale and the thought of them being exiled soon came to mind.

"No, Lucas. We know you haven't had any training as Deformity members, but we need everyone willing to fight," Bone said. "No one is forcing you, but if you're ready, Master Gideon will make you a Deformity member."

When the Academy was destroyed, so were the human defenses. Children with superpowers had a success rate of over one hundred percent against ants compared to ordinary humans. If all the Academies were wiped out, it would be a disaster. Inevitably, the world's Academione - though not yet of sufficient age and training - would have to join the battle.

Josh raised a hand. "I'm in."

"Me too." Lucas nodded in agreement.

Bernice looked at Bone, her wet eyes fiery. "There's no reason for me to say no."

Bone's smile broadened. "Come on, let's go. Every moment counts, we're going to beat these things."