"Can't sleep?"

The voice startled Bernice, who sat hugging her knees beside the tent. The girl turned her head to see Bone standing nearby.

"I'm not sleepy yet," Bernice replied.


The girl nodded. "Yes. Who wouldn't be?"

Bernice was stationed with the Army Deformity troops east of Tacoma and had been there for almost 48 hours. What made her uncomfortable was not the conditions in her camp, but the feeling of waiting without clarity. She must always be prepared for contact with the enemy, with the worst possible outcome. While she was there, nothing happened.

In the so-called danger zone, a few hundred meters ahead, it was quiet.

Even in the camp there were no loud noises and people spoke in whispers. They used sign language, so it was minimal for the enemy to realize that there was a group of people there.

Bernice herself did not know what they were there for. What she did know was this: All the people in Tacoma were dead.

Bone sat beside Bernice and stared ahead, where there was another dark tent. Even the lighting was so limited. It wasn't that Army-Deformity couldn't afford the facility, but again, for safety's sake.

"After 48 hours here, if there are no enemies... you will return to base," Bone said.

"You too?"

Bone shook his head. "I'll go northwest of Tacoma, sweep the area from here to find where the enemy is. Or find survivors, if we're lucky."

Bernice did not answer, she just looked down tiredly. Her body was very tired, she needed to rest. But her eyes could not shut at all. The ants were always in Bernice's mind, even in her dreams. The nightmare was bad, the reality was even worse.

"I've already spoken to Master Faith. You'll be here for two days and then return to the base for training," Bone continued. He cleared his throat quietly. "Even if the training lasts a week, it's not worth it compared to the previous deformity, which took 24 months."

"What was done during the training?

"The general idea is to control strength, including energy management. Actually, there are many other things, endurance, and methods of awareness. It takes a lot of time, Bern."

"With so many enemies, are you sure we can win, Bone?" asked Bernice suddenly.

"Do you have any doubts?"

"We know what they're like. It's impossible to beat them."

The tent door opened from the inside and Josh's figure emerged, writhing and yawning. The young man scratched his head, then looked left and right. He gasped when he saw Bernice and Bone sitting and talking.

"Your turn to stand guard?" asked Bone.

Josh nodded and yawned again. "Yeah, but I'm still sleepy."

"You can go back to bed if you want. I can't sleep," said Bernice.

"It should have been Lucas' turn to stand guard earlier, not yours," Josh replied. "The asshole's sleeping."

Bernice waved a hand. "It's okay, I asked him to."

Josh sat down in front of Bone and Bernice. "You're the deformity, Bern. Everyone here depends on each other. If you don't get some rest, what will happen later? Don't torture yourself," the young man said lightly.

Bone's index finger lifted and the man nodded. "I agree."

"If you can't sleep, maybe the medics have sleeping pills," Josh said.

Bone shook his head. "No, but I know there's a gum that raises melatonin so you get sleepy fast. It's safe, no side effects."

Josh stood. "I'll ask for it."

Josh hurriedly turned on the dim lumen in his hand and took a small jog toward the medic tent. Meanwhile, Bernice and Bone were both silent, staring at Josh's retreating figure.

"Lucas and Josh are very concerned about you, even if you don't realize it," Bone said. "So you need to think about your own health, Bern. That way you can keep them safe."

"I know," Bernice replied.

A long breath came out of Bone's nose. The man reached into his uniform pocket and pulled out a battered pack of cigarettes. He pulled out a cigarette and fumbled in his pocket for a lighter. Bone gave up and stuck the cigarette in his ear.

"I miss Ash," Bone said softly.

"The last I heard, she was so cynical about you."

"She was. She's like that with everyone." Bone chuckled. "But we cared about each other, Bern. I never needed a lighter because she always gave me fire. Although she always gets mad when I smoke."

Bernice knew that Seth's team never thought of themselves. She didn't expect them to sacrifice their lives for her, Lucas and Josh. Saving Bone, who Bernice knew would protect the children of the Academy with all his heart.

Maybe that was the gaping wound in Bone's heart. If the man could choose, he would rather die with his comrades.

Josh had barely returned when he handed Bernice two pieces of gummy.

"Eat and go to bed," Josh ordered.

"Thank you." Bernice just nodded. Then she stood up. "I'm going to get some rest, Bone."

"Yes, sleep well," Bone replied.

"I'll wake Lucas up." Josh looked at his watch, then turned to Bernice. "It's three in the morning. I'll wake you up at eight, Bern."

Josh was about to enter the tent when the wind suddenly blew strangely. Bernice did not swallow the gummy and stood up immediately. Everyone awake was alert. There was a glow coming from the trees ahead.

"Oh, shit," Josh hissed.

He rushed into the tent to wake Lucas. Bone and Bernice, meanwhile, moved closer to the front where the rest of the Army and Deformity were waiting. The sound of clattering could be heard faintly by all.

So much clatter.

"The ants," Bone whispered.

Old Rousse came hurrying over from the other tent. His face looked grim, as if he'd just woken up. At the same time, Faith arrived from the other direction.

"Send a message to headquarters. We have contact with the Eight Legs, request assistance," Rousse ordered.

"Yes, sir." Faith nodded, then he hurried off again.

Bernice felt the wind blowing so strangely that she moved backwards and had a bad feeling.

"Stay back," Bernice said. But the people stayed where they were. Bernice shouted, "Get back! Now!"

Suddenly, trees less than a hundred yards away were uprooted from the ground and lunged toward the attacking troops. Bernice threw herself to the ground, shielding her head. It wasn't long before the screams of those unable to escape the attack could be heard.

Then the ants came out from behind the dark trees, there were so many of them. They clucked and crawled forward.

At the top of the tree, fire attacked, lightning struck the ants. Obviously, the deformities were there. Those with the power of the earth caused the surface of the ground to collapse, causing the ants to fall. The waterbenders created walls of ice.

Bone grabbed Bernice's body and carried her away from the battlefield.

"I want to fight," Bernice moaned.

"Not now. You help the wounded, get them to the cars and trucks," Bone ordered.


"That's an order! Now!" Bone cut her off sternly.

Bernice reluctantly followed Bone's orders and helped the wounded. The telekinetic deformities carried the dead to the trucks. On the front lines of the battle, there were sounds of explosions, screams, and bullets spewing from guns. The atmosphere was chaotic.

Josh and Lucas seemed to be carrying the wounded. Bernice was relieved to see them. As they were busy loading people into cars and trucks, Lucas suddenly pointed to a glow on the right.

"Is that the enemy?" Lucas asked worriedly.

Josh gasped in shock. "They're trying to surround us! Lucas, build a wall! Now!"

Lucas moved forward in front of the line of vehicles, creating a wall of ice. He could hear the crunching sounds coming from behind the wall he had created. Some of the other Deformity members, seeing the situation, helped Lucas create a wall of ice from the ground as well.

"This won't last long, we're trapped," said one of the Deformities.

"Tell Master Faith we need help from headquarters!" another shouted.

Some of the Deformities immediately stood behind the wall, on standby. A few others climbed onto the truck and prepared to attack the oncoming enemy. The troops were forced to split in two as the enemy attacked from the other side of the Army-Deformity defenses.

"Stay in formation for as long as it takes!" a Deformity shouted.

Bernice's body stiffened, she couldn't think. She had to be trapped again because of the ants, she was really scared. Suddenly, Lucas grabbed Bernice's hand.

"Calm down, Bern. I'm right here," Lucas said.

Josh held out his hand to Bernice. "Don't be afraid, girl. Come on, take my hand."

Bernice walked hand in hand with Lucas and Josh. She thought of Bone's words. They relied on each other, they were a team. Bernice would not be abandoned by her two friends, nor would the girl ever leave them.

The walls began to crumble as the ants bit and scratched. The sound of their screeching could already be heard.

"Are you ready?" asked Lucas, looking at Josh and Bernice.

Josh grinned. "We're going to fry them."