Phebe felt a rush of emotions as her body climbed into the helicopter. She had survived yet again after narrowly missing her eyes only seconds before. Phebe's tears fell and she cried as soon as she touched the ground of the heli.

"Are you okay, Phebe? Any injuries?" asked Trevor.

Phebe just shook her head. She saw Drew arrive later with one of the Deformity's telekinetic powers. The Deformity looked exhausted; as Phebe suspected, their abilities were still at the novice level. 

"Where's Elijah?" someone shouted, sounding desperate.

Phebe searched for the source of the voice. Her eyes immediately fell on Isaac, who was standing in the doorway of the helicopter, launching a fireball attack.

"Where is he?!" Isaac repeated angrily.

"Elijah!!!" cried Phebe in panic. "Save Elijah!"

"He's at the top of the bridge!" pointed out Drew. "He's surrounded by ants!"