Within hours of being accused of being an "alien in disguise," Elijah was taken to a rather dark prison room. Despite his imprisonment, Elijah was still treated humanely. He was not tortured or shackled as he had been the first time he encountered the rebels. He was also given a comfortable room: the cell was equipped with a toilet, a bed and a blanket. 

Finally, Elijah knew where he was: New Castle Alpha headquarters.

The man who confronted Elijah was the deformity leader there, named Gideon.

"I have to get out of here," Elijah muttered.

For hours he thought about how to get out of this place. It would have been easy, because the prisoners' security was something Elijah could break with his strength. He wasn't wearing a bracelet or any of the fancy handcuffs for mutant prisoners. Either Gideon was careless, or maybe there were none at the base. 

But if Elijah was careless and got caught again. He could die a stupid death.