"What were you thinking, taking a little girl like Map?" 

Elijah's voice instantly silenced everyone in the room. Gideon looked shocked as Elijah pointed to Map's picture on the screen. 

"We found her in the ruins of the academy, alone, and even her vocabulary is very limited." Elijah began to feel emotion in his heart. "If it was her fate to die, she should have died with her family! But she lived and is now in the hands of the rebels. Did you ever think how her parents would feel?"

One of the other army leaders stood up and glared at Elijah. "These kids can hurt people because they don't understand how to control power. You're just a kid who—"

"STOP!" Elijah snapped.

Suddenly, both the empty chair and the one Elijah was sitting in were thrown against the wall, right at the screen on the photo map. Both chairs were shattered. Everyone in the room looked shocked. Elijah did it all because he was so upset that he acted impulsively.