The prison room is on the left wing of the headquarters, while the helicopter is on the right wing at a considerable distance. Actually it's no problem to run, but the chances of success are very low if the case is in a state of escape.

Elijah ran with Isaac and Lucas, the other three running three meters ahead. They were in a hurry, though they tried not to look suspicious every time an army passed them. Fortunately, the lockdown of the Deformity Barracks had been lifted at seven o'clock in the evening, so the Army wouldn't be suspicious.

The problem is the Deformity patrols.

Bernice looked at the time on the bracelet in her hand. "The patrols will be passing through this area in ten minutes. We have to hurry."

"We'll be there in a minute. Calm down," Josh replied.

Ahead of them was an intersection, turn left, and ten meters away they reached the helipad. Everyone sped up, knowing they would be there soon.

Suddenly a danger alarm was heard.