Isaac and Josh are waiting at the front of the stadium with their bags and gear, the helicopter will arrive in three minutes. They both stared up at the sky, waiting for the moment they would be dispatched to Tacoma.

"I was starting to feel at home here," Josh muttered.


"Yeah, as long as my partner isn't you."

There was a snort and a sardonic smile on Isaac's face. 

Josh elbowed Isaac in the shoulder. "If you were in this place, just the two of you... who would you picture? Phebe?"

Isaac stared in surprise. "Why Phebe?"


"Especially her." Isaac shook his head. "Don't say any other names that make my skin crawl."

"Lucas? Elijah? Bone?"

"Shut up!"

"Maybe I'm the only one who can stand your shitty attitude." Josh sighed quietly. "I should get an award."

"Mm-hmm." Isaac nodded lazily.