Elijah felt very lonely with Isaac and Josh still unconscious. It was the tenth day, and for three days in a row, Elijah had made time to visit his two friends, even if only briefly. While at the Washington base, Elijah spent most of his time in the barracks. Sometimes he chatted with Camille, but that was after Camille was off duty.

Bernice and Lucas had not returned from Milton. And there was no news.

"Chocolate?" Camille offered. 

Camille offered a flat piece of chocolate to Elijah, who was reading in bed. The young man hadn't had any assignments yet and was recovering, so the days were slow for him. 

Elijah turned his head and smiled. "Thank you."

The two of them enjoyed a few quiet minutes, munching on chocolate.

"What's new out there?" asked Elijah.

Camille just shook her head. "Nothing. In fact, we seem to have lost track of Gideon. But the entire Deformity already knows he's on the run."