Elijah groaned softly. 

His body felt stiff and his joints ached. His eyes opened and he was lying on a portable bed. He looked up at the ceiling, which was a dark green canvas tent. A dim light burned in the center of the tent poles. Outside he could hear the murmur of people talking, some laughing. 

He got out of bed and staggered to the entrance of the tent. He lifted the sheet and saw that it was quite dark outside. It was late, apparently, and the other troops were finishing their dinner.

Bone looked up from the crowd around the campfire. He scrambled to his feet, then approached Elijah, who was staring at the entrance to the tent.

"Hey, Silver Boy, looks like you're really tired. You passed out twice today," Bone greeted.

"What happened to me, Bone?"

Bone just shook his head. "I don't know. You did something that got people worried."

"What do you mean?"