

He presses the buttom.

Seering pain was all he could feel spreading from his neck all throughout his body.

he half fell to the ground with a slight yelp as his muscles gave out on him, his mind temporarily blank as the pain gets worse, He gasps only for no air to reach his lungs, he brings his hands to his neck in a vain attempt to get it off a strangled wimper through gritted teeth leaves him.

just as it started, it stopped.

he pants, trying to catch his breath coughing a few times in the process.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" His father asks once again, sounding rather smug, but Keigo isn't listening, more preoccupied with trying to catch his breath and take the collar off.

his father's smugness quickly disappeared, being replaced with anger.

"Are you ignoring me, Keigo?!" He says in a furious tone, Keigo hears a few clicking like noises, making him look up through strands of blond hair, finding his father fiddling with the remote with a slight smile playing on his lips.

Before Keigo can register what he's doing through the haze of his mind, his father pushes the button again. This time, the pain was worse, not by much, but Keigo could tell there was a change.

He couldn't stop the strangled bird like yell that escaped his mouth as he collapsed on his hands before falling onto the ground, clutching at the collar in a vain attempt to get it off.

He wasn't sure how long he was struggling for, but to Keigo, it felt like an eternity.

His vision starts to blur and he's sure he has cuts on his hands from trying to get the rough metal collar off, just as hes about to give in to the darkness swimming in his vision the pain stops.

He closes his eyes, cursing the tears that threaten to fall, his heart hammering in his chest as he takes greedy gulps of air a small humerless laught escapes him as he collects his shaky limbs and tries to stand.

He eventually opens his eyes, his vision still blury for a moment before it focuses again, and he sends sharp eyes his fathers way.

His father watches as anger shows in Keigo's eyes for a moment before it soon disappears as he gets up.

Keigo hears the remote click a few more times, his eyes shooting towards the remote his eyes widen as panic sets in, quickly associating the clicks to the collar going up in power.

"So, I'll ask again, Keigo." he pauses for a moment, crouching down to Keigos level before continuing.

"What did you do?"

Keigo huffs slightly as he tries to get up, using his lower arms to support him as his wings attempt to hide him from his father's cold eyes, he lets out a shaky breath trying to shake the all too clear scene from his mind.

"I-I A..." he grits his teeth before bringing his still bloodied hands to his face to stop the tears from falling as he attempts to collect himself.

I...I Ate Someone..." He finally says in a shaky breath before tensing and moving his hands to lightly pull at his hair in an attempt to ground himself and stop the bloodied images flashing in his mind.

His heart rate increases in panic as he mentally prepared for the kick that was bound to crash into him or for the collar to turn on any second only to find


After a few tense minutes, he shakily removes his hands from his face and sits up slightly so he can look up to his father, and what he sees scares him to his very core.

His father, was smiling at him, not that that was unordinary but the look in his eyes certainly was, it was as if he was looking at Keigo for the first time and that confused Keigo, just as hes about to think on it further his father lets out a low chuckle making Keigo flinch before his chuckle turns into a full on hysterical laugh making uncomfortable chills go down Keigo's spine.

stunned and confused by his fathers reaction, he attempts to back up, using his hands to shuffle a bit closer to the wall.

"w-why are you laughing?..." he gets no response he just continues to laugh before he seems to collect himself slightly and goes over to keigo with a smile and something strange dancing in his eyes.

"Did you enjoy it?" He says, rather simply making Keigo's brain stutter for a moment before disgust briefly flashes over his face he opens his mouth to reply only for his father to speak up again.

"Did it seem familiar?" This question makes his body freeze, confused he looks more closely at his fathers features for a long moment before looking away from his cold eyes as he thinks it over in his head again.

The realisation scared him as, yes...

It did...

He vaguely recalls the strangely familiar texture with a shudder, he looks back to his father with wide scared eyes, his father simply stands up with a wide sinister smile on his face as a light chuckle leaves him, Keigo can't help the shiver that goes throughout his body as his mind raises for an answer he watches his father turn to leave.

"H-How!..." is all the words Keigo manages to shakily get out, but he must have gotten the message across because his father turns and looks down to him with a pleased hum.

"I think you already know the answer to that."

All the warmth leaves Keigo at that statement, a shudder going through his body as he looks to the corner to his left again.

the spot his mother had died all those years ago, his mind goes blank as dread fills him he snappes his head up to his father with terrified eyes.

"Smart boy" is all he says for confirmation, a cold smile on his face before he turns and goes up the stares, keigos mind freezes as he brings a shaky hand to his mouth to stop himself from being sick, he's sure if he was standing he would have collapsed onto the ground.

"You're lying..." he shakily says, to quiet for his father to hear him, he shakily let out a breath as the tears fall freely from his eyes.

'There's no way...!' A strangled sob leaves him as his father reaches the top of the stairs and turns off the light.

'He's a liar...!' His eyes stay glued in the same cursed corner he stares into the dark, his mind repeating itself as his tears fall faster down his face.


It's safe to say Keigo didn't get a lot of sleep that night, his mind his worst enemy as it conjured up fake images and memories to toy with him.

Keigo isn't sure how long it took for him to regain himself from the realization but his eyes had long since adjusted to the dark, he eventually goes over to the sink and attempts to get the blood off of his arms and hands from earlier that day, ignoring the tears blurring his vision, he scrubs and scrubs his arms with the cold water till they are red raw.


He huffs slightly, ignoring the smell of iron that still lingers to his clothes, the chain rattleing as he shuffles to try and get cosy on the uncomfortable foam mat.

He sits for a few moments just star8ng at his knees close to his chest, but he can't stop his eyes from drifting over to the same cursed spot as he attempts to stop his thoughts, failing he desides to look away and fiddle with the collar instead, after a few minutes he finds a little button and without much thought presses it.

Electric pain spreads throughout his body once again. He yelps before immediately taking his finger off the button, his heart hammering in his chest be can't help but bring his hand to his heart just to make sure it was actually still beating.

he pants slightly, his feathers puff out behind him, he grits his teeth in annoyance.

He desides to just try and sleep instead trying and failing to keep his mind empty, he uses his wings as covers to once again try to keep himself warm and get a little bit of sleep on the uncomfortable foam bed.

After some time, despite the cold, pain, and slight smell of iron that still lingers on him, he manages to sleep if only for a few minutes, he'll take it.