The year is 2020. A boy named Oliver Kumato was playing a game of Chezzu with his father, Jason Kumato. So far, Oliver is winning. "Boys!" said the loving wife and mother, Beth Kumato "Dinner's ready!" Both Oliver and his father walked down the stairs. While eating dinner, Oliver was talking about how he was winning against his dad in a game of Chezzu and how he was excited to carry on playing. "Not straight after dinner" said Oliver's mother "What? Why not?" asked Oliver in an upsetting tone "Because there's lots of homework to be done for school and those need to be done before tomorrow" his mother Replied. "Don't worry, Oliver!" said Oliver's dad "We'll get that game done after School! I'm not at work for long, so we'll have plenty of time to play" Oliver's father works as a builder for a company called 'HEXS Construction Inc.' There wasn't much to build since HEXS Robots were made in 2019. "OK, Mom" said Oliver with a smile "I'll do my homework and play the game tomorrow" the family then finished their food and went to do what they needed to do.
The next day passed, Oliver was walking to school with his friend, Tom Kensworth. "Hey, Oliver. What's with the smile?" asked Tom, "We have SCHOOL today!" "Well Tom" said Oliver "If you must know, I'm smiling NOT because of school, I'm smiling because of AFTER school. My dad is finishing work early and will finish my awesome game of Chezzu!" "Wow. Chezzu huh? Who's winning?" asked Tom "Me of course" said Oliver. Tom didn't believe him because Tom was an expert at Chezzu and had beaten Oliver 5 times. (in a row) At 10:00 in school, it was English. Luckily Oliver had finished all his English homework "Homework in, everyone!" said Oliver's teacher, Mrs. Phillips. Everyone put their English homework on her desk. (including Oliver and Tom) At 10:45 it was now Maths, and Maths was a great lesson because it wasn't too difficult. It wasn't too difficult because the Maths teacher, Mr. Rodsvil doesn't want his students to struggle with figuring out stuff. At 11:00, it was break. At 11:30, it was Cookery with Oliver's least favorite teacher, Mr. Robot. Unlike the other teachers, Mr. Robot is actually a robot made by HEXS. "Greetings, students" said Mr. Robot "Today we will be making a Chocolate Chip Cake" "What?" Oliver thought to himself "But that's the easiest thing to make EVER!" Oliver and his classmates have made Chocolate Chip Cake many times before. The students were scratching their heads in confusion, they were told they would make a Chocolate Fruit Smoothie. The students didn't really mind making the same food again because they didn't really need to be told how to make it. So they made a Chocolate Chip Cake and let Mr. Robot scan it for perfection. Everyone gets an A+! But somehow, Oliver got a C-. He made it like how everyone else made it, so it didn't make sense how he was the only one who got lower than an A. "Oliver Kumato" said Mr. Robot "You will stay with me for 30 minutes after school" "WHAT?!" Shouted Oliver "WHY?! All I did was get a C-!" "Do not raise your voice at me!" Demanded Mr. Robot. Oliver then sat down and said nothing.
It was now 14:25, Oliver was walking home by himself. He was still mad at Mr. Robot for his C- and detention. Oliver walked to his doorstep at his house to see a HEXS letter box on his door. He pressed the 'play' button on the letter. "Hi honey!" said Oliver's mother on the letter box "Listen, your father has to work late due to the robots malfunctioning at work and I'm at Bingo. So I'm afraid that you'll have to play the game another time... Sorry. Have a nice night!" The video stopped. Oliver became upset. He had only the robot servant, RB2536, which could only do commands. He waited for dinner, which wasn't as good as his mother made it. Oliver waited until it was his bed time. "I wish I could have an awesome day tomorrow…" said Oliver before he went to sleep. And so he slowly drifted to sleep.