
I woke up with pain in my legs. I saw Edward was not there. I tried to stand up, but I fell—it hurt. Damn it, I tried to stand up again with the help of the bed.

Ah, it hurts.

I looked toward the bed, and the whole bedsheet was covered in blood. He was so rough last night, and this blood is proof. Tears started falling from my eyes.

I heard the bathroom door open and saw Edward coming out with wet hair and a bathrobe. I turned my eyes to the other side immediately.

Edward said in a flirting voice, "Honey, why are you so shy? You've already seen me completely naked."

I did not reply.

He came toward me and gently held my hand. "Honey, does it hurt so much? I'm sorry. Next time, I'll be more careful."

"What next time?" I said angrily. "There is no next time. I want a divorce. I can't live with a man who forces me against my will."

He said, "Come on now, you know that's never going to happen. So don't ruin my mood because you can't handle the consequences," he said in a flirty voice while looking down at my breasts. "Honey, it's going to happen every night."

I said, "In your dreams," and started walking toward the bathroom with the help of the wall. He gently held my hand again and said,

"Honey, I have a surprise for you."

I said, "What surprise? Let go of my hand."

"Well, I'll tell you, but first, why don't we take a bath together?"

"Don't even think about it."

hmm ok, I will let you go today.

now tell me about your surprise or let go of my hand

He said in a sweet voice, "Honey, if I tell you, then it's no surprise, right? Now go and change your clothes, then I'll show you what surprise I got."

"And what if I don't want it?"

"Do you think you have a choice?" he said in a low voice.

Then he let go of my hand. I went to the bathroom and took a bath. I rubbed my body with soap three times until my whole body turned red. I felt disgusting. He touched me all over my body; my whole body was covered with hickeys and red and blue marks.

I thought it was enough because it started hurting. I stood up. It didn't hurt as much as before, probably because I took a bath in warm water. I went out of the bathroom, put on a bath towel, and came out. I went to the clothes room and grabbed black jeans, a navy blue shirt with a high collar to cover the marks

I go downstairs breakfast is ready Edward. said

I sat down without arguing because I felt dizzy and lacked the strength for an argument. I started eating breakfast. Hmm, it wasn't that tasty, but it wasn't so bad—it was just so-so.

After that, I stood up to wash the dishes, but he held my hand and said, "Sit down, I'll wash the plates."

After washing the plates, he said in a sweet voice, "Let's go, honey."


"It's a surprise."

We got in the car. He took me to a very strange place. I didn't know if a place like this existed around here.

"Edward, where are you taking me?"

"Honey, it's a surprise."

"Wait, honey, you'll know soon."

After that, we reached an old garage. He parked the car in front of the old garage. We got out of the car, and then he held my hand and took me into the garage. When I entered, it felt like I was suffocating. I was shocked and started trembling when I saw the scene in front of my eyes. I stopped breathing. I saw Ali tied to a chair, blood flowing from his mouth, and all his body covered in blood.

(hi friend

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