The Spanish woman

Theresa was a persistent type and she wouldn't give up until she achieved what she wanted, unless it was dangerous for her. Aurora only wanted a way to help lighten the mood between her and Damien, she wasn't interested in weighing herself down in the process.

She sighed and unwillingly followed Theresa, knowing that she does not have any other choice now that she had already started it. Well, it was better to end it once and for all if she wanted to fulfill the contract and leave as soon as possible.

"Oh my, Señorita!" Theresa exclaimed as soon as she entered her room and stretched out her hands to greet the weird looking woman sitting.

"¡Cómo estás," The woman stood up and also reached out to hug Theresa. The scene was so funny that Aurora couldn't help but to smile at their funny interactions. Thanks to her parents, Aurora was well acquainted with the Spanish language.