
"Did you come up with this plan yourself?" Aurora asked in amazement as she examined the map that outlined Damien's strategy. It was truly a brilliant idea, and if everything went as planned, not only would they emerge victorious, but Lucas's pack might also end up with a new, more competent Alpha.

Now that she considered it, Lucas didn't deserve to be an Alpha. If he was willing to endanger the lives of his people just to satisfy his ego, he was capable of much worse. By the time his pack would rise against him, he would be unstoppable.

"Dave and Enoch helped with the road routes, but the strategies are all mine. I have always wanted to create a plan like this, but no Alpha has ever dared to ambush me…until Lucas," Damien said.

Aside from a few minor issues with Edward and some weaker Alphas, he had never faced a serious attack.

"I see, so..." Aurora began to speak, but suddenly felt nauseous and hurried to the bathroom.