Chapter 17: Dark forces

Meanwhile, a group of religious fanatics had caught wind of the news that a portal to another planet had been opened by Thomas and that an alien invasion was imminent. However, instead of fearing the invaders, they welcomed them as divine messengers who would cleanse the Earth of its sins and usher in a new era of peace and harmony. They believed that Thomas was an enemy of God who wanted to prevent the arrival of the heavenly beings. They formed a secret cult that plotted to sabotage Thomas's efforts and ensure that the portal remained open for the aliens to enter.

One of their leaders, a charismatic preacher, addressed his followers in a secluded warehouse. He spoke with fervor and conviction, stirring up their emotions and faith.

"Brothers and sisters, we are living in the end times. The signs are clear: wars, famines, plagues, natural disasters, moral decay. The world is ripe for judgment, and God has sent his angels to deliver us from this wicked generation. They are coming through the portal that Thomas has opened, but he does not know the truth. He thinks they are enemies, but they are our saviors. He wants to close the portal and stop them from coming, but we will not let him. We will do whatever it takes to keep the portal open and welcome our heavenly guests. We will be rewarded for our faithfulness and loyalty, while Thomas and his allies will be punished for their rebellion and arrogance."

The crowd cheered and applauded, chanting God's name and praising God. He smiled and raised his hands, feeling a surge of power and pride.

"Are you ready to do God's will?" he asked.

"Yes!" they shouted.

"Are you ready to stop Thomas and his evil plans?"


"Are you ready to meet our celestial friends?"


"Then let us go forth and prepare the way for them. Let us show them our love and devotion. Let us make them feel at home on Earth. And let us rejoice in the glory of God!"

The cult members erupted in a frenzy of excitement and zeal, ready to follow David's orders and carry out their mission. They grabbed their weapons and equipment, which included explosives, firearms, knives, and other tools of destruction. They boarded their vehicles and drove off towards Thomas's laboratory, where they planned to launch their attack.

However, unknown to them, NASA security had already uncovered their sinister scheme and was ready to thwart their attack. NASA had installed state-of-the-art security cameras and alarms around their laboratory, as well as reinforced doors and windows. They had also alerted their team members and other allies about the impending threat and asked them to join them in protecting the headquarters.

Thomas received a call from the president of NASA, who informed him about the situation.

"Thomas, I have some urgent news for you. We have discovered a plot by a group of religious fanatics who want to destroy your project. They think that the aliens are angels sent by God to wipe out humanity. They are on their way to your laboratory right now, armed with weapons and explosives. They plan to blow up VR25 and keep the portal open for the aliens to enter."

Thomas was shocked and horrified by this revelation.

"What? How did they find out about our project? How did they get past our security?"

"We don't know yet, but we suspect they have some inside information or help. They must have been monitoring your activities for a while. They are very determined and dangerous, Thomas. You need to be careful."

"Thank you for telling me this, sir. What are you going to do?"

"We are going to do everything we can to stop them, Thomas. We have deployed our security forces and contacted the local authorities. We have also activated our emergency protocols and locked down the headquarters. No one can get in or out without our authorization."

"That's good to hear, sir. But what about VR25? What if they manage to get to it?"

"Don't worry, Thomas. We have taken measures to protect VR25 as well. It is protected by 10000 highly skilled forces. Listen, Thomas, I want you to know that I'm very proud of you and your team. You have done an amazing job with this project, and you have made a remarkable discovery. You have shown great courage and dedication in pursuing your vision, despite all the challenges and risks. You are a true asset to NASA and humanity."

"Thank you very much, sir. That means a lot to me."

"You're welcome, Thomas. Now, I need you to gather your team in your laboratory and brief them on the situation. Tell them what's going on and what we're doing to stop it. And tell them to be ready for anything."

"Yes, sir. I will do that right away."

"Good luck, Thomas. And stay safe."

"Thank you, sir. You too."

Thomas hung up the phone and quickly gathered his team in his laboratory. He told them everything he had learned from the president of NASA and warned them about the impending danger.

The team members were stunned and terrified by what they heard.

"How could this happen?" one of them asked.

"Who are these people?" another one asked.

"What do they want from us?" another one asked.

"They want to destroy us and our project," Thomas answered. "They want to keep the portal open for the aliens to enter and take over Earth."

"That's insane," one of them said.

"That's evil," another one said.

"That's impossible," another one said.

"No, it's not impossible," Thomas said. "It's very possible, and very real. And we have to stop them."

They were still talking about the situation when a loud boom shook the building, followed by a barrage of gunshots and shrieks. They sprinted to the window and witnessed a mob of fanatics charging the gates, battling with the security guards and the army. The fanatics had improvised weapons and bombs, and they seemed to have no concern for their own survival. They were propelled by a fanatic faith that made them ready to sacrifice themselves for their cause. They believed that they were fulfilling God's will by assisting the AK07 beings in their conquest of Earth.

The army, however, showed no mercy to the invaders. They used their high-tech weapons and eliminated all of them with lethal precision. The leader of the fanatics, however, managed to escape unscathed, leaving behind his followers who had died for his words. Thomas, who had witnessed this, was enraged by the leader's cowardice and deception. He knew that the leader had no intention of dying and that he had manipulated his followers into believing his lies. Thomas was determined to stop him from causing more harm. He called the president of NASA and requested a team to track down and kill the leader. He explained that letting him go would only lead to more trouble.

"Sir, I called you to inform that the leader of that team has escaped"

"What do you want me to do, Thomas?"

"I want you to send a team to find him and kill him, sir. He's a threat to our planet and our project. If we let him go, he might form another group of fanatics and try again."

"I understand your concern, Thomas, but killing him might not be the best option. It might make him a martyr and inspire more fanatics to follow his example."

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't think we have time for diplomacy or negotiation. We have only temporarily stopped the aliens from arriving. We can't afford to take any chances with this maniac."

"Thomas, I admire your commitment and enthusiasm for this project, but you have to be cautious not to let your feelings get in the way of your reason. Killing him might not be the answer. It might even backfire on us."

"Sir, I beg you to listen to me. I've witnessed his atrocities firsthand. He's not a sane person. He's a zealot who will do anything to fulfill his twisted agenda. He's a menace to us all."

"Fine, Thomas, I'll think about your request."

"Thank you, sir. I'm grateful for that."

"You're welcome, Thomas. And be careful."

The president of NASA hung up the phone and took a deep breath. He was torn between his duty and his doubt. He wanted to trust Thomas, but he also feared the consequences of killing the leader of the fanatics. He knew that such an action could spark more violence and chaos, and he wondered if there was another way to deal with the situation.

He decided to consult with his advisors and experts before making a final decision. He called for an emergency meeting and explained the situation to them. He asked them for their opinions and advice.

The advisors and experts were divided on the issue. Some agreed with Thomas and argued that killing the leader was the only way to stop him and his followers from causing more harm. They pointed out that the leader was a dangerous fanatic who had brainwashed his followers into believing that they were doing God's will by helping the aliens invade Earth. They said that he had no regard for human life or dignity, and that he would stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Others disagreed with Thomas and warned that killing the leader could have negative repercussions. They said that killing him could make him a martyr and inspire more fanatics to follow his example. They said that killing him could also provoke retaliation from his followers or other groups who shared his beliefs. They said that killing him could also violate international laws and human rights, and that it could damage NASA's reputation and credibility.

The president listened carefully to both sides of the argument, weighing the pros and cons of each option. He realized that there was no easy or perfect solution, and that whatever he chose, there would be risks and challenges involved. He knew that he had to make a decision soon, before it was too late.

He decided to go with Thomas's suggestion and order the army to send a team to neutralize the leader. He reasoned that this was the best way to prevent the leader from carrying out his plan and endangering Earth. He hoped that this would also deter his followers from continuing their attacks and persuade them to abandon their cause.

He contacted the army commander and gave him the order.

"Sir, I have an urgent mission for you. I need you to find and kill the leader of a group of religious fanatics who tried to destroy VR25 and keep the portal open for the aliens.I want you to send a team to find him and kill him, commander. He's a threat to our planet and our project. If we let him go, he might form another group of fanatics and try again."

"Yes, sir. I understand your concern, sir. But are you sure this is the right course of action? Killing him might not solve anything. It might even make things worse."

"I'm aware of that, commander, but this is an order."

"All right, sir. I'll follow your orders."

"Thank you, commander. And be careful."

"You're welcome, sir. And you too."

The commander hung up the phone and gathered his team of elite soldiers. He briefed them on the mission and showed them the security footage of the leader leading the attack on NASA headquarters. He also showed them a satellite image of the leader's van, which had been tracked down by NASA's high-tech surveillance system.

"This is our target," he said, pointing at the leader's face on the screen.

"He's a religious fanatic who wants to destroy VR25 and keep the portal open for the aliens."

"Why does he want to do that?" one of the soldiers asked.

"He thinks they are angels sent by God to cleanse the Earth of its sins. He believes that by helping them, he and his followers will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven."

"That's insane," another soldier said.

"That's irrelevant," the commander said. "Our mission is to find him and kill him, not to understand him or reason with him. He's a dangerous enemy who poses a threat to our planet and our project. We can't let him succeed."

"Where is he now?" another soldier asked.

"He's hiding in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. We have his exact location and we're ready to strike. We'll use stealth and surprise to infiltrate the warehouse and take him out. We'll also disable any explosives or traps he might have set up. We'll move fast and quiet, and we'll leave no trace behind."

"What about his followers? Are they with him?"

"Some of them are, but most of them are scattered around the city, waiting for his signal. They're armed and dangerous, so be careful. If you encounter any resistance, neutralize it quickly and quietly. Don't let them alert their leader or escape."

"Got it, sir."

"Good. Now, let's go over the plan one more time. We'll split into two teams: Alpha and Bravo. Alpha team will enter the warehouse from the front, while Bravo team will enter from the back. We'll converge on David's location and eliminate him. Any questions?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Then let's move out. And remember: this is not just a mission. This is a matter of life and death for us and for the world. We can't afford to fail."

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers moved out with stealth and precision, approaching the warehouse from different directions. They were confident and prepared, but they were also unaware of the trap that awaited them inside. The leader had anticipated their attack and had set up a deadly surprise for them. He had rigged the warehouse with explosives and had a detonator in his hand. He was ready to blow up himself and his enemies, along with the Nexusgate and the portal.

As the soldiers entered the warehouse, they saw the leader standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by wires and bombs. He smiled wickedly and pressed the detonator. Killing himself and the two more army members the others ended up with severe burns.