Chapter 21: New weapon

Thomas was acutely aware of the dire situation and the need to act swiftly. He gathered his team and instructed them to execute Plan B, a desperate and risky option that involved launching nuclear warheads near the Sun to create a massive explosion that would disrupt the portal and prevent the invasion of Earth by the AK07 people. He hoped that this extreme measure would work, but he also feared the consequences of such a colossal blast.

Thomas: "Attention, everyone. We have no other choice but to implement Plan B. We are going to launch the nuclear warheads and hope that it will shift the portal's location. This is our only chance to save Earth from being captured by the AK07 people."

Team member: "But sir, are you sure that's a wise idea? What if we cause more harm than we prevent? What if we trigger a chain reaction that could annihilate the entire solar system?"

Thomas: "I know it's a dangerous idea, but we have no time to waste. If we don't act now, we will be doomed. The AK07 people are ruthless and will stop at nothing to take over our planet. We have to fight back with everything we have."

Team member: "But sir, what about the effects of the nuclear explosion on the Sun? What if we damage its stability and cause it to go supernova? What if we alter its radiation and affect life on Earth?"

Thomas: "I've done the calculations, and I'm confident that the Sun can withstand the impact of the warheads. The explosion will be localized and temporary, and it won't affect the Sun's core or its long-term functioning. The radiation levels will also return to normal within a few days. The risk is minimal compared to the alternative of letting the AK07 people invade."

Team member: "But sir, what if we make it worse? What if we open up more portals to other universes?"

Thomas: "That's a possibility, but it's a risk we have to take. The portal is already unstable and unpredictable, and we don't know what else might come through it. The nuclear explosion might disrupt its energy source and collapse it and teleport it. It's our best shot at stopping the invasion."

Team member: "But sir, what about the effects of the nuclear explosion on ourselves? What if we expose ourselves to harmful radiation or debris? What if we trigger a nuclear winter that could plunge us into darkness and cold?"

Thomas: "We'll be safe in our bunker, which is shielded from radiation and debris. We'll also monitor the situation closely and evacuate if necessary. As for the nuclear winter, I've consulted with experts who say that it's unlikely to happen from this explosion. The amount of soot that would be injected into the stratosphere would be too small and too short-lived to block out much sunlight or lower global temperatures significantly. It's not ideal, but it's better than being enslaved by the AK07 people."

Team member: "But sir, are you sure this is worth it? Is there no other way to stop them? Is there no hope for peace or negotiation?"

Thomas: "No, there isn't. They've made their intentions clear. They want our planet, and they won't stop until they get it. They've shown no signs of mercy or compassion. They've killed millions of innocent people already, and they'll kill millions more if we let them. We have no choice but to fight back with everything we have. This is our last stand, our final hope. We have to do this for ourselves, for our families, for our future. We have to do this for Earth."

Team member: "Sir, I don't understand how we can launch nuclear warheads. They are not under our control. They are only authorized by the president and the military command."

Thomas: "Trust me, we have everything under control. The President of NASA has already given us the green light to launch them with a single button. He has also set the coordinates for the target planet."

Team member: "Alright, sir, but what if we are too late to stop them?"

Thomas: "We can't afford to waste any time. We have to launch the nuclear warheads as soon as possible. It's our only chance to save Earth."

Meanwhile, at the NASA headquarters, the president rushed to his office and pressed a hidden button under his desk without hesitation.

The president wasted no time in getting to the site where Thomas and his team were working. He ran as fast as he could, hoping that he was not too late. He burst into the room, panting and sweating. He looked at Thomas and said, "I've done it. I've launched the nuclear warheads. They're heading towards the target planet right now."

Thomas felt a surge of mixed emotions. He was relieved that the president had taken action, but he was also worried about the consequences. He knew that the nuclear warheads could cause massive destruction and harm innocent lives. He asked the president, "Are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

The president nodded firmly. "It's the only way to stop them from invading Earth. We have to strike first and strike hard. They won't see it coming."

Thomas was not convinced. He had a bad feeling about this plan. He said, "But what if they have a defense system? What if they retaliate? What if we start a war that we can't win?"

The president shook his head. "We don't have time to worry about that. We have to act now, before it's too late. Trust me, this is our best chance to save Earth."

Thomas sighed. He wanted to believe the president, but he couldn't ignore his doubts. He turned to his team and said, "We can't rely on this plan alone. We have to prepare for another plan ."

The team looked at him with curiosity and confusion. They didn't know what the plan was. Thomas explained, "This is our backup plan in case the nuclear warheads fail. It involves using our reengineered Nexusgate and VR25 devices as weapons against the enemy."

The team was stunned by this revelation. They had no idea that Thomas had been working on such a project. They asked him, "How did you do that? How can you use the Nexusgate and VR25 as weapons?"

Thomas said, "I'll explain later. Right now, we need to get them ready and test them out. We don't have much time left."

The team nodded and followed Thomas's instructions. They quickly gathered the blueprints of the Nexusgate and VR25 devices and began to set them up in the room. They were amazed by the modifications that Thomas had made to them.

The Nexusgate was a device that could create portals between parallel universes, but Thomas had reengineered it to create a powerful beam that could tear kilometers of lead in seconds.The VR25 was a device that could close a portal but Thomas and his assistant changed it so that it can blast freezing beam of energy that will freeze anything in absolute zero.

Thomas hoped that these devices would give them an edge over the enemy and help them defend Earth from their invasion. He knew that it was not enough, but he believed it was worth a try.

He looked at his team with determination in his eyes. "We have to do everything we can to stop them," he said.

The team agreed, knowing that the fate of the world depended on them. They worked tirelessly, using all of their skills and knowledge to try and prevent the worst from happening.

As they worked, Thomas couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and uncertainty. Would their efforts be enough? Only time would tell. But one thing was certain: they were not going down without a fight. They were determined to do everything in their power to protect their planet and its people. The future of humanity was at stake, and they were not going to let it slip away without a fight.