Chapter 24: AK07's Version

The leader of the AK07 invaders was shocked by the sight that greeted him as he emerged from the portal onto Earth. He had been led to believe that this planet was a perfect match for his own, but instead he found himself in a world that was vastly different and unfamiliar, where everything and everyone seemed to be smaller and faster than him. He felt disoriented and confused as he watched the humans scurry past him.

Leader: "This is not the world I was promised. What is going on here?"

He looked around for the portal that had brought him here, hoping to find his way back to his home planet. But to his horror, he realized that the portal had vanished, leaving him stranded on this alien world.

Leader: "Where is the portal? I need to get back to my planet."

He didn't know that his portal had been sabotaged by Thomas, who had discovered their plan to conquer Earth and had used his Nexusgate to interfere with their portal. He also didn't know that his home planet was being destroyed by their portal machine, and that all of his soldiers who had followed him through the portal had perished in the fiery inferno.

Leader: "What have they done to us? Who are they? Why are they doing this?"

He gripped his weapon tightly and commanded his six best warriors to launch an assault on the humans. Even though they were vastly outnumbered and outperformed by the humans' speed and agility, they fought bravely, firing deadly laser beams that took down many human lives.

As the battle continued, the leader felt a growing sense of fear and doubt. He wondered if someone from his planet had betrayed him, or if there was some other explanation for this horror. He knew that something had gone terribly wrong, and he was terrified for his own fate and that of his people.

Leader: "This is not what we planned. This is not what we deserved. We only wanted a new home."

He was overcome with grief and regret as he recalled the fate of his home planet, which was doomed to perish due to a calamitous event triggered by the planet AK07 in their universe. The AK07 planet in his universe was a ruthless planet that had invaded his planet a millennium ago and had stolen all their resources and left their planet to wither. But the leader of the planet had inspired his people and trained them for a millennium and had developed new cutting-edge technology and had been secretly monitoring them to exact revenge. He remembered how they had targeted AK07, which seemed perfect for them. He remembered how they had planned to seize AK07 and claim it as their own, using their portal machine to travel between the two worlds.

Leader: "We were not evil. All we wanted was to get justice. And reclaim what was ours."

He felt a surge of fury and bitterness as he realized that someone or something had interfered with their plan, and had turned their hope into a horror. He wondered who or what was responsible for this, and what their intention was.

Leader: "We will not give up. We will not surrender. We will fight until the end."

Thomas watched in horror as the AK07 beings armed with deadly weapons, unleashing a barrage of light beams and plasma blasted at the army. Thomas knew that this was the invasion he had feared, and that Earth was in grave danger.

Thomas had already sent his teammates and his assistant to a secure bunker from this place. He decided to join them realizing that he can't do anything at that war. He quickly grabbed his laptop and ran towards the exit, hoping to find a safe place to hide.

As he ran, he saw the chaos and destruction that the invaders had caused. Buildings were collapsing, cars were exploding, and people were screaming in terror. The AK07 beings showed no mercy, killing anyone who crossed their path. Thomas felt a surge of anger and sadness, wishing he could do something to help.

The leader of AK07 noticed something strange happening around him. The people around him seemed to be moving slower , as if their time had slowed down for them. The AK07 beings realized that humans are slowing down to the same speed as them. This gave them an unfair advantage over the humans, who were more vulnerable and couldn't handle their power.

As Thomas saw the AK07 beings becoming fast, Thomas knew that this was bad news for Earth, as it meant that the invaders could easily overpower them. He also knew that he had to act fast, before it was too late. He tried to contact his team and his manager, hoping that they were still alive and could help him.

However, his phone was not working, and he couldn't reach anyone. He felt a pang of fear and despair, wondering if he was alone in this fight. He decided to keep running, looking for a way out of the city.

As he ran, he saw a military helicopter flying overhead. He waved his arms frantically, hoping to catch their attention. To his relief, they saw him and lowered a rope ladder for him to climb. He quickly grabbed the ladder and climbed up, feeling a sense of hope.

He was greeted by a soldier who asked him who he was and what he was doing there. Thomas explained that he was a scientist and the leader of "Operation AK07". He asked him if he had any proof of his claims. Thomas showed him his ID which was given by NASA. The soldier examined Thomas's ID and confirmed it was him. Thomas ordered him to head towards a secure bunker far from the fighting place, where they would meet with other important scientists and military officials.

As they flew away from the city, Thomas looked down at the carnage below. He saw the AK07 beings continuing their assault on the humans, who were struggling to fight back. He felt a surge of anger and determination, vowing to stop them at all costs.

He knew that Earth was facing its greatest challenge yet, and that he had a vital role to play in its survival. He looked up at the sky, wondering what he could do to stop this.

Thomas's heart raced as he gazed at the scene below. He saw the invaders from AK07 wreaking havoc on the city, blasting buildings and vehicles with their deadly weapons and armor. He knew that this was the final showdown, and that they had to stop them before they wiped out humanity. He also knew that they had a chance to win, as long as they stuck together and followed the plan. With these thoughts in mind, Thomas braced himself for the battle ahead.

Suddenly, a loud bang jolted him out of his thoughts. He felt the helicopter shudder and spin out of control. He looked out of the window and saw a hole in the engine, spewing smoke and flames. He realized that they had been hit by one of the AK07 guns, and that they were going down. He grabbed the pilot's shoulder and shouted, "What do we do?"

The pilot tried to regain control of the helicopter, but it was too late. He said, "We have to bail out. Now!"

Thomas nodded and quickly unfastened his seat belt. He reached for his parachute, but before he could put it on, the helicopter crashed into the ground with a deafening noise. Thomas felt a sharp pain in his chest as he was thrown out of his seat. He landed on the pavement, surrounded by debris and fire. He coughed and tried to get up, but he felt dizzy and weak.

He looked up and saw one of the AK07 soldiers towering over him, pointing his gun at his head. Thomas closed his eyes, expecting the worst. But then he heard a beep, followed by silence. He opened his eyes and saw that the soldier's gun had turned off. He looked around and saw that everything was dark, except for the flashes of light from the missiles and bullets hitting the AK07 armor. Thomas realized that it was night time, and that their solar-powered weapons had stopped working. This was their chance to strike back.

The pilot who had survived the crash crawled out of the wreckage and ran towards Thomas. He helped him up and said, "Are you okay?"

Thomas nodded and said, "Yeah, I think so. Thanks for saving me."

The pilot said, "Don't mention it. We have to get out of here before they realize what's going on."

They ducked behind the remains of the helicopter, as the AK07 soldier who had tried to kill them stepped on it and crushed it.

The AK07 invaders were stunned as they realized that their weapons had stopped working. They had relied on their solar-powered guns to annihilate the human resistance, but they had not anticipated the arrival of nightfall. They looked around and saw the darkness enveloping the city, leaving them vulnerable and exposed.

They had no choice but to retreat and seek shelter. They spotted a massive pile of corpses, the result of their brutal assault on the human army. They felt no remorse or pity for the fallen soldiers, only contempt and disgust. They decided to use the bodies as a makeshift bed, hoping to rest until dawn.

The human military, however, did not cease their fire. They unleashed a barrage of bullets and missiles, aiming at the AK07 beings who laid down on the bodies with missiles and bullets firing, which made no harm for them.