Chapter 28: Six down

The Sun rose over the horizon, casting its rays on the battlefield. The AK07 weapon, that could fire beams of pure energy, was lying dormant on the battlefield. It had been damaged in the previous night's attack by the human resistance, but now it was slowly recharging from the solar power.

Thomas and his team were hiding behind a nearby ridge, watching the weapon with binoculars. Thomas had a remote control in his hand that was connected to a series of glass panels that surrounded the AK07 beings.

He turned to his team and whispered, "Are you ready?"

They nodded. They had their guns and explosives ready, but they knew they stood no chance against the AK07 beings in a direct confrontation. Their only hope was the mirror.

Thomas looked at his watch. It was almost time. He said, "We have to wait for the right moment. When the weapon is fully charged, they will try to fire it at the nearest human settlement. That's when we switch"

He glanced at the binoculars again. He saw that the weapon was glowing brighter and brighter, indicating that it was almost ready to fire. He also saw that the AK07 beings were stirring from their slumber. They had been sleeping near the weapon, trusting their armor and sensors to protect them from any attack.

There were seven in total, six soldiers and one leader. The leader was bigger and stronger than the others, with a red crest on his helmet and a golden chest plate. He had a personal shield generator that made him immune to most weapons. He was the one who had ordered the attack on the human resistance last night, killing hundreds of people.

He stood up and stretched his limbs. He looked at the weapon and smiled. He said "Are you ready to unleash your fury on these pathetic humans?"

The other AK07 beings woke up and followed his gaze. They saw that the weapon was almost fully charged. They cheered and clapped their hands. They said things like, "Yes, let's kill them all!", "Death to the humans!", "Glory to our leader!"

The leader nodded and said, "Prepare yourselves. We will fire in a few minutes."

He walked over to the weapon and checked its status. He saw that it was at 99% charge. He said, "Excellent. Just a little more."

He looked around and noticed something strange. The sunlight was reflecting on some glass panels that were scattered around the weapon. He frowned and zoomed in his vision. He saw that they were actually glasses that formed a circle around them.

He thought, "What is this? Some kind of trap? How stupid do these humans think we are? Do they really think we would fall for such an obvious trick?"

He ignored it and said to his soldiers, "Get ready to fire."

The soldiers obeyed and took their positions. They each had a gun that could fire beams. They aimed at the city and waited for their leader's command.

Thomas saw this through his binoculars and felt a surge of adrenaline. He said to his team, "This is it. They're about to fire."

He gripped his remote control tightly and waited for his cue.

The leader saw that the weapon was at 100% charge. He smiled wickedly and said, "Fire!"

He pressed a button on his wrist that activated the weapon.

A loud hum filled the air as the weapon fired a massive beam of energy towards the army.

Thomas pressed his button at the same time.

The mirrors around the weapon switched on and reflected the beam back at its source.

The beam hit the weapon with a deafening explosion, creating a huge fireball that engulfed it and its surroundings.

The AK07 beings were caught off guard by this sudden turn of events. They had no time to react or escape as they were hit by their own beam.

The soldiers screamed in pain as their armor melted and their flesh burned. They fell to the ground, dead or dying.

The leader was the only one who survived, thanks to his shield generator. He was thrown back by the blast, but he managed to stay on his feet. He looked at his weapon and saw that it was destroyed. He looked at his soldiers and saw that they were all dead.

He felt a wave of shock, anger, and grief wash over him. He realized that he had just killed his own team with his own weapon. He realized that he was the last of his kind on this planet. He realized that he had failed his mission.

He howled in agony and despair.

The beam continued to bounce around the mirrors, creating a deadly cage of light that trapped him inside. The mirrors started to melt and crack under the intense heat, but they held on long enough to keep him contained.

Thomas and his team watched this from a safe distance. They cheered and celebrated their victory. They had done it. They had destroyed the weapon and the AK07 beings.

Thomas said, "We did it! We did it!"

He hugged his team and thanked them for their courage and sacrifice.

He said, "This is a huge blow to the enemy. We have shown them that we are not afraid of them. We have shown them that we can fight back."

He looked at the city that they had saved and felt a surge of hope.

He said, "We have shown them that we can win this war."

The leader of AK07 had tears in his eyes as he cried for his fallen soldiers. He felt a great pain in his chest, as if his heart was being ripped apart. He looked at his weapon, which was destroyed by the enemy's fire. He threw it away with a scream of rage and despair. He had failed his mission. He had failed his people.

Thomas watched the scene from a distance, feeling a mix of pity and fear. He asked the others to stay back and he went near the leader, hoping to find a way to end this war peacefully. He knew that the leader of AK07 was not evil.

As Thomas approached the leader, he saw something that made him gasp. The leader's helmet automatically came down, exposing his face. Thomas could not believe what he saw. The leader of AK07 had the same face as him, but slightly different because of the harsh environment he had been in. He was his doppelganger from another dimension.

Thomas was shocked and confused. How was this possible? How could he be the leader of the enemy? He wanted to ask him questions, to understand him, to find a connection. But before he could say anything, he heard a loud noise. The general, who had seen that the leader's helmet was down, had fired a missile at his head.

Thomas instinctively ducked and covered his ears. He expected to see the leader's head explode in a bloody mess. But instead, he saw something else. The leader's helmet had its own self-defense system. It covered his head automatically, deflecting the missile. The leader was still alive.

Thomas ran back to the bunker, hoping to escape the wrath of the leader. He knew that he had no chance against him now. The leader of AK07 had no weapon left, but he didn't need one. His armor was built with weapons. His eyes glowed red, blasting beams of energy through his visor. His hands shot out lasers, blasting everyone on his way.

The leader of AK07 had only one goal left: to wipe out the human race. He killed everyone who stood in his way, friend or foe. He kept attacking and moving forward, destroying everything on his path.

Thomas watched in horror as the leader of AK07 became a one-man army of destruction. He wondered if there was any hope left for humanity.

The leader was unstoppable. He had destroyed everything in his path, leaving behind a trail of fire and rubble. He was nearing the bunker where Thomas and the scientists who were in "Operation AK07" were inside. He scanned the area with his sensors and detected a faint signal coming from an underground bunker. He knew that was where the scientists and the military were hiding. He turned his armored suit towards the bunker and prepared to unleash his full power.

Inside the bunker, Thomas was still in shock. He had recognized the leader as his counterpart from another dimension. But now he saw him on the CCTV camera, charging up his suit to blast the bunker into oblivion. Thomas knew he had to do something. He knew that no one on this Earth could stop him. He knew that he was the only one who could reason with him.

He grabbed a speaker and ran outside, ignoring the shouts and protests of the others. He faced the leader, who towered over him like a giant. He shouted with all his strength.

"Wait! Stop! Don't do this!"

The leader looked down at him with contempt. He raised his hand to fire a beam at Thomas, but Thomas shouted again.

"AK07 is still alive! I can help you go back to your world!"

The leader paused for a moment. He felt a surge of hope in his chest. Could it be true? Could his planet still be saved? But then he remembered the video. He remembered seeing his world in flames. He remembered hearing the screams of his people.

He narrowed his eyes at Thomas and asked in a doubtful tone.

"How? How do you know this? How can you help me?"

Thomas knew he had to be cunning. He knew he couldn't tell him the truth. He knew he had to make him trust him.

He replied with confidence.

"I can't tell you how, but I can show you and I'll prove it to you."

The leader zoomed in on Thomas with curiosity. He bent down on his knees and looked at him closely. He didn't recognize Thomas as his doppelganger, because he had never seen his own face in a mirror. He didn't know what he looked like.

He studied Thomas for a few seconds, trying to detect any signs of deception or fear. But Thomas met his gaze with calmness and sincerity.

The leader decided to take a chance. He decided to follow Thomas and see what he had to offer. He decided to postpone his revenge for a little while longer.

He nodded at Thomas and said in a low voice.

"Alright. Show me."