finally its time to !

insu was heartbroken after breaking up with Young-min. She couldn't stop thinking about him and missing him. She couldn't stop crying and regretting. She couldn't stop loving him.

She tried to distract herself and focus on her work. She released new songs, went on tours, and did interviews. She tried to smile and act happy. She tried to be strong and professional.

But she wasn't happy. She wasn't strong. She was lonely and sad.

She missed his voice and his smile. She missed his touch and his kiss. She missed his presence and his love.

She wanted to see him and talk to him. She wanted to apologize and explain. She wanted to hug him and kiss him.

But she couldn't. She didn't have his contact information. She didn't have any way to communicate. She didn't have any chance to meet.

She thought about what she said and what she heard. She thought about what she meant and what she understood. She thought about what she wanted and what she lost.

She realized that she was wrong. She realized that he loved her and cared for her. She realized that he wanted to be with her.

She decided to find him and tell him the truth. She decided to confess her feelings and ask for forgiveness. She decided to fight for their love.

She searched for him online and found out that he was in Japan for a concert. She booked a flight and flew to Tokyo, hoping to see him.

She arrived at the airport and took a taxi to the hotel where he was staying. She checked in and waited for him in the lobby. She saw a group of fans waiting outside the hotel, holding signs and gifts for him. She felt nervous and excited.

She saw him walking out of the elevator, surrounded by his members and staff. He looked handsome and cool, wearing sunglasses and a mask. He looked calm and confident, waving at the fans and smiling at the cameras.

He looked like a star.

He didn't see her.

She ran towards him, calling his name.

"Young-min! Young-min!"

He heard her voice and turned his head. He saw her running towards him, wearing a dress and a hat. He saw her face and her eyes.

He recognized her.

He was shocked and confused.

He stopped in his tracks and stared at her.

It was insu.

She reached him and hugged him. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. She spoke in a loud and desperate voice.

"Young-min, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything! I love you! I love you so much!"

He felt her embrace and heard her words. He felt her warmth and her sincerity. He felt his heart race and his mind blank.

He didn't know what to do or say.

He didn't hug her back or push her away.

He just stood there, frozen.

The fans gasped and screamed. The cameras flashed and clicked. The reporters shouted and asked questions.

"Who is she? Is she your girlfriend? What is going on?"

The members looked at them with surprise and curiosity. The staff looked at them with worry and annoyance. They tried to separate them and move them away.

They made a scene of chaos and confusion.

They didn't care about anything or anyone else.

They only cared about each other.