journey began for spring...

They spent time, holidays, even made a couple song and lived a good couple life, nobody broke them.

They enjoyed their time together and made each other happy. They went on dates and trips, watched movies and shows, cooked meals and desserts. They did everything that couples do and more.

They celebrated their holidays together and made each other special. They exchanged gifts and cards, decorated their house and tree, lit candles and fireworks. They shared their traditions and cultures and learned from each other.

They made a couple song together and made everyone love it. They wrote the lyrics and composed the music, recorded the vocals and instruments, released the video and album. They sang about their love and their story, their feelings and their dreams. They called it **Romantic Songs for Couples**¹ and dedicated it to each other.

They lived a good couple life together and made each other proud. They supported each other's careers and achievements, respected each other's choices and opinions, trusted each other's actions and words. They faced the challenges and difficulties together, solved the problems and conflicts together, grew and improved together.

They loved each other more than ever.

They never broke up again.

They stayed together forever.

They married each other and confessed their love.

They wanted to be together forever and make it official. They wanted to share their vows and exchange their rings. They wanted to celebrate their love and happiness.

They planned their wedding together and made it perfect. They chose the date and the venue, the theme and the colors, the guests and the music. They made everything that they wanted and more.

They had their wedding in India and Korea, honoring both of their cultures and families. They had a traditional Hindu ceremony in Mumbai, wearing a red lehenga and a white sherwani. They had a modern Korean ceremony in Seoul, wearing a white gown and a black tuxedo. They had a grand reception in both cities, inviting their friends and fans.

They looked beautiful and handsome, radiant and stunning, happy and in love.

They said their vows and put on their rings. They spoke with emotion and sincerity.

They spoke in a confident and proud tone.

"insu, I love you with all my heart and soul. You're my best friend and my soulmate. You're my inspiration and my happiness. You're my everything. I promise to love you and cherish you, to respect you and support you, to trust you and protect you, to be faithful and loyal to you, for as long as we both shall live."

"Young-min, I love you with all my heart and soul. You're my best friend and my soulmate. You're my motivation and my joy. You're my everything. I promise to love you and cherish you, to respect you and support you, to trust you and protect you, to be faithful and loyal to you, for as long as we both shall live."

They kissed each other and felt each other's lips. They kissed passionately and deeply.

They confessed their love.

They sealed their love.