The Uninvited Guests part 1

A New Beginning

The sun was shining brightly as the Smith family drove up to their new home. They had been looking forward to this day for months, and the excitement was palpable. The house was a beautiful two-story home with a spacious yard and a large front porch. It was everything they had hoped for and more.

As they stepped out of the car, the children, Emily and Jack, ran around the yard, exploring their new surroundings. Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked at each other, both feeling a sense of relief and accomplishment. They had worked hard to save up for this house, and it was finally theirs.

The movers arrived shortly after, and the family spent the next few hours unpacking and settling in. As they went from room to room, they admired the architecture and the vintage details. The house was old, but it had been well-maintained over the years.

As the sun began to set, Mr. Smith went to the kitchen to make dinner while the rest of the family continued unpacking. It was then that Emily noticed something strange. She heard a faint whispering sound coming from the hallway. She stopped what she was doing and listened closely. The whispering continued, and she realized that the sound was coming from the walls.

"Mom! Dad!" she called out. "Come quick! I hear something!"

Mr. and Mrs. Smith rushed over, and Emily explained what she had heard. They listened carefully, but they couldn't hear anything. They shrugged it off as their imaginations and continued with their tasks.

But as the night went on, strange things began to happen. Doors creaked open and shut on their own, and the sound of footsteps echoed through the hallway. The family couldn't explain it, and they were starting to feel uneasy.

As they all settled into bed that night, Emily couldn't shake the feeling that they were not alone in the house. She closed her eyes tightly, hoping that it was just her imagination. But deep down, she knew that something was not right in their new home.