Soul Devouring Beast!

"Indeed," the One-horned Thunder Bull nodded. "I've heard from my elders that there are countless stars in the outer space, but not all are suitable for life."

"Some are metal planets, entirely composed of hard metals."

"Some are solar stars, completely engulfed in flames, emitting immense light."

"Some are pure water elements, forming massive water planets inhabited only by marine creatures."

It knew quite a bit about ancient secrets.

Plucking stars and grabbing moons?! The monsters present were fascinated. Such abilities were god-like. Even demon kings would struggle to perform such extraordinary feats.

The Metal Tiger was particularly eager. If it could travel through the void and capture a metal planet to devour, who knows to what heights it could ascend.

But this was mere fantasy. Traveling through the void was a feat beyond its current comprehension.