
He opened his eyes slowly, he turned to his side. She was there fast asleep, naked and beautiful besides him, he was happy it wasn't just a heavenly dream.

It was already dawn, his hand removed strands of hair from her face, the back of his palm caressed her cheeks. He smiled remembering last night, for the first time his heart flutter for a woman.

He felt like eating her again this morning the more he stared at her, his sweet kidnapper!

But he decided to just let her sleep. He carefully got off the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She was still asleep when he came out. He smiled, did he really knock her out?

He brought the blanket upwards to cover her, it was a cold morning. He quickly dried his hair with a towel and got dressed in a casual sweat shirt and pants. He walked out of the room.

After some while, Olivia's eyelashes flutter open like butterfly wings as she began to wake up. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the light rays, she looked to the other side of the bed. He wasn't there, he was gone. She sat up, covering herself from her chest with the blanket.

Where was he? She couldn't hear any sound from the bathroom or dressing room. The door opened and a maid walked into the room with towels in her hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry Ms., I never knew someone was in the room. I came to drop these," the maid pleaded.

"It's okay. Drop those," Olivia responded. The maid went to the bathroom and dropped the towels off. She came out.

"I may take my leave now," she said.

"Wait!" Olivia uttered.

"Where's Leonard?" she asked.

"I think Mr. Yul has left already," the maid replied.

"Oh...okay. You may leave now," Olivia said and the maid left.

He just left. Why was she feeling this way? Why was her chest heavy?. Did she expect something more from him? From a man like him?.

It's just...Last night was no where to what she had imagined it to be, she felt something else yesterday as he made love to her. The way he kissed her, teased her and when they became one, the way he treated her, it was making love and not just sex.

She thought the feeling was mutual as he held her in bed and even kissed her forehead, she guess she was wrong.

She started to get up from the bed, her hand held the nearest wall in support as she swayed. Her legs felt weak, she wasn't feeling sore actually, just weak. In a couple of seconds, she was able to stand properly again.

"Where's my purse?" she soliloquized and found it on top of the drawer where she left it yesterday. She opened it and brought her phone out. There were messages from Silvia and Sentencia. She ignored them and texted her brother.

{I've done what you want. Come get me}, she also added the address of Leonard's villa as far as she could remember of what she saw yesterday. It was dark yesterday so she couldn't give much description.

She picked up her clothes and shoes which were arranged and placed on top of the drawer and angrily got dressed. She needed fresh air, her throat was burning as she swallows the lump in it frequently.

Why was she feeling pathetic? she shouldn't expect less from a man like him, yesterday was like every normal days to him, of course there was nothing special about it. How could she think there was?

She fixed her face and hair at the mirror in the room and opened the door. She climbed down the stairs and received a message from Axel immediately.

{I'm here}

She dashed out. She even passed a young man at the entrance but was too angry to notice him. He turned around to face her.

A black car was already parked at the entrance. The driver opened the door for her and the man could clearly see Axel Shipman inside. She joined him and they drove off.

"What a beautiful villa I must say?" Axel said. Yesterday out of nervousness, today out of anger, she was unable to appreciate the beauty of the villa.

"So, did you have fun last night?" Axel upset her further, he didn't fail to notice her distress and he was going to use it to amuse himself a little.

"I don't want to talk about it," she replied.

"Oh yeah, I want to know-"

"I said I don't want to know to talk about it! I already did what you asked, haven't I?!" she yelled at him and only realized after.

"I'm... I'm sor-"

He hit the words out of her mouth and grabbed her by her hair. Her lower lip bled as it became split from the slap.

"Don't you ever, in your miserable life, raise your voice at me, ever again. You've done your job well little sister, don't feel so proud and good about yourself because the hardest part is about to come. You just hope that you get pregnant for him or else..." he trailed off. A sinister smirk on his face as he scoffs.

"I will kill you, I don't care if you are my sister. I will kill you for ruining my plans and I'll make it look like you committed suicide," he threatened her and pushed her away, her head hit the car door.

She held her head, it was throbbing with an headache. She felt something warm on it and brought her fingers to her face, she was bleeding. It must have split when she hit her head.

A handkerchief landed on laps.

"Get a grip of yourself, it's not serious. Wipe your head and lip, you're lucky your head didn't split open into two," Axel said.

Meanwhile at the villa, Leonard opened the door to his room, he held a small rectangular stool which was painted with white and made of fine wood. A tray of breakfast was on it.

He was taken aback when he couldn't find Olivia on the bed. He dropped the stool on the bed.

"Olivia?" he called as he headed for the bathroom. There was no response as he knocked, so he opened the door to see if she was in. It was empty. Where did she go?, he thought. Her things were gone.

He walked out of the room and went downstairs. He saw his secretary and personal assistant, and friend-Even though he was in denial of it.

"Zane, did you see a woman?" he asked him.

"A woman?" Zane repeated.

"Yes, average height, raven or jet black hair, beautiful sequin blue eyes. Did you see her anywhere around the villa?" Leonard enumerated.

"Ah, yes. I just arrived though. I was wondering what Ms. Shipman was doing here, although I did see you leave with her yesterday at the party," Zane stated.

"How did you know she was Ms. Shipman?" Leonard asked.

"Well, I saw her entering...Axel Shipman's car and they do have some resemblance in appearance. And she has made some few public appearances with her family but you were too busy to have noticed," Zane explained. Leonard held his temples with his fingers, Zane was adding to his headaches.

"Are you saying she left with her brother?" he asked.

"Yes. She looked pretty angry," Zane answered.

She left. Just like that, no good morning, no good bye, she didn't even think of having breakfast with him first. He was...hurt. Was the issue really that urgent, that she'd to leave like that?

"Wait a minute. Did you guys have a one night stand?" Zane blurted.

"But then, why was she angry? Did you do or say something to offend her? Classical playboy Yul," Zane added and sealed his lips when he saw Leo glaring daggers at him.

"Do you know where the Shipmans' mansion is?" Leo asked.
