
"What?! Hell no!" she exclaims and he laughed.

"I think you're the one who has a crush on me. You've been all over me since we got here," she responded.

'A crush? Seriously? I couldn't think of a better word,' she thought.

"Don't get over your head, I don't," he replied.

"Good!" she said immediately.

He laughed as he shook his head, she was cracking him up today with her cute actions and reactions.

"Okay, let's go play some games," he suggested.


They played so many games and didn't stop or get tired at all till it was twilight. They won two stuff toys, one was a tiger and the other a panda. They won them from a game stance and a stuff toy machine, respectively.

"I think I should have the panda, I won it anyway," Davian said, handing her the tiger.

"You look more like a tiger person to me, mi-tigress," he added giving her a small bow.

Silvia just chuckled and collected the stuff tiger from him. She was the one who won it from one of the games, Davian was the one who won his from the stuff toy machine. She tried to win one too from it but it was just so frustrating.

She wasn't the type to give up easily but the machine was annoying her especially after Davian won his stuff panda.

"This is stupid," Silvia remarked.

"I'm not feeling this, let's try another," she slyly told Davian so that it wouldn't be so obvious that she was sulking from losing to the stuff toy machine.

She was more than ecstatic when she won the stuff tiger from a game.

They also won some tickets to the photo booth, where they took some pretty cute and silly photos together.

"You can keep the rest, I'll have just this one," Silvia said to Davian as they were coming out of the photo booth.

"Okay. But you have eyes I see," he responded as Silvia took the best looking of all the pictures.

"(Scoffs) I just like this particular one," she replied. He put his hands up surrendering;

"Okay, okay. You may keep it, princess," he grinned at her.

"Thank you," Davian heard Silvia say as they were headed to where their car was parked.

"For today." she added.

He didn't respond, he just smiled.

He opened the door of the car for Silvia when they got there and she entered. Shutting the door, he walked over to the other side and entered too, shutting the door.

He drove off immediately. It was already getting dark, he glanced at Silvia through the rear mirror. They have been silent since they entered the car.

She was already fast asleep. He turned his head towards her.

'She must be really tired,' he thought.

He smiled when his eyes went to her hands which clenched unto the picture and tiger stuff toy tightly as if someone would take it from her.

He arrived at her house and parked at the parking lot. He got out of the car and opened her side of the car.

'Should I wake her up?' he asked himself in his mind.

'Nah...' he continued in thoughts.

He then carefully carried her out of the car in a bridal style. She didn't even move talkless of wake up.

"Welcome Mr. Davian," Myne welcomed him.

"Thank you. I'll just take her upstairs to her room," he expressed.

He got upstairs and opened the door to Silvia's room. He carefully placed her on the bed and removed the stuff toy and picture from her grasps. He placed both on top of one of the drawers.

Then he walked over to her balcony, his gaze lingered at the priceless view. How can someone with acrophobia have a balcony in her room?

He snickered to the thought. This Silvia Reyes was truly something.

Silvia had decided on having a balcony in her room despite her phobia, because she had pushed herself so hard at that time when she was still hellbent on overcoming the phobia.

It didn't help, she decided to live with it. But she didn't let it deprive her of the luxury of enjoying a good view, she just had to keep it in mind and remind herself that she shouldn't look down no matter what.

Davian just hoped he had helped her overcome her phobia today. He shut the door leading to the balcony, it was really cold. The winter season was approaching really fast.

He walked back to Silvia's bed and tucked her in properly with her blanket.

"Hmm," she voiced.

His eyes went to her. 'Was she waking up?' he thought.

He has to leave before she insists on him spending the night over, but her eyes had already open in between consciousness and unconsciousness.

She smiled at him, she was still very much sleepy.

"You're still here, even in my dreams?" she asked him and he bit his lower lips to suppress his laughter.

"Lean closer. I wanna whisper," she continued. Curious and wanting to amuse himself more by her, he leaned closer but only felt himself stiffen as her lips pecked his cheek.

Their eyes met and she chuckled shutting her eyes, "Now you know how it feels," she said and dozed off again almost immediately.

He shook his head and stood up straight. He had a final glance at her before he exited her room.


Davian had just arrived at the Reyes' mansion with his mother. They were dressed so elegantly, that even Elizabeth looked even more beautiful and lively and younger, as if she wasn't even sick at all.

Today was the family dinner with Silvia and her parents. The Randells were very nervous, especially Elizabeth.

Davian opened the door of his car so that his mother could come out. They walked up the stairs of the entrance and came in contact with the Reyes waiting to receive them with some of their staffs.

"Welcome. You must be Elizabeth," Janet started.

"Yes. It's a pleasure to finally get to meet you, Mrs Reyes," Elizabeth said.

"Same here," Janet replied and half hugged her.

"Welcome, Elizabeth," Alan said.

"Davian," he added glancing at Davian who just nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Reyes," Elizabeth replied.

"Alan would do," Alan pointed out.

"Yes, Janet for me. Let's drop the formalities, we're soon to be in-laws after all," Janet added.

Silvia was glad her parents weren't making things uncomfortable.

"Shall we go in?" Silvia suggested.

"Of course," Janet seconded, she suddenly held Elizabeth's hand.

"Shall we?" she smiled at her and Elizabeth just nodded.

They started to walk in, Silvia and Davian glanced at each other first before Davian sighed and walked passed her going in first. He just hopes things goes well.

They were all seated at the dining table in the dining room as they enjoyed the well made meals and wines.

"So..." Janet started when they were half way between their meals.

"How is your health, Elizabeth? I heard you had surgery," she continued.

"Yes, it was successful as you can see and I'm all right now," Elizabeth responded.

"Great. Wow, I never imagined Davian's mother would be this stunning," Janet praised.

"I mean I'm more stunning though," Janet added and Elizabeth just smiled at her. Silvia eyed her mother and Janet smiled at her daughter, a 'what?' look on her face.

"Yes, you look very beautiful yourself, Mrs-Sorry...Janet," Elizabeth responded.

"I know. I'm very beautiful and I take exquisite care of my skin and self to put the aging on hold, ha," Janet laughed at the last part.

Silvia felt like facepalming herself. All her father ever talked about was business and money and her mother, well...

"We should spend some time together, Elizabeth. Maybe visit the spar together or go shopping or have tea," Janet suggested.

'That might not go well,' Silvia thought.

Mrs Randell was a simple person and her mother, her mother was the complete opposite.

"Mrs Elizabeth is still in resting from her surgery, so that will have to happen later...'Way later mother'," Silvia emphasized the last part so that her mother would get the memo.

"Okay. But the three of us need to have some girl time before the engagement party or wedding, okay?-And I got to point out Davian, you look nothing like your mother," Janet said.

"Yeah, I look more like my father," Davian responded.

"Oh really. (Turns to Elizabeth)...Then your husband must have been a really handsome man, oh," Janet said dreamily. Alan almost rolled his eyes, this woman.

Silvia noticed her father hasn't said much since they started the dinner, her mother has been the one doing most of the talking since. She doesn't know which she should be more apprehensive of, his annoying questions or his silence.

But either, she was glad the dinner had gone well in between. She couldn't afford any suspicions from her parents, she has come way too far for this to mess up.
