Wish for

"What the hell are you talking about? Why would I do that-"

"Cut the act dad," Silvia cuts Alan off.

"Now I won't have you talk to me like that, young woman. What if I did, huh? It's all for your own good," Alan replied.

"I never asked for it dad. Stop it! Just please stop it! Don't monitor my husband, don't monitor my love life, just stop it! I'm married now as you wanted and to a man that I love. Now can you let me enjoy my marriage life in peace?!" Silvia raged.

She glared at her father one last time before storming out the same way she storm in.

"Really Alan? How can you do such a thing? You have no right to do that," Janet chastised.

"Hey enough, okay? You both should stop making it look like I did something so wrong-"

"Of course you did!" Janet interrupted him.

"I was only looking out for my daughter. Now if that's something wrong, then...tsk," Alan replied.