I remember you now [Flashback]

Olivia and Helen Yul were on their way to Mrs Helen's friend's bookstore, they were seated at the back seat of the SUV. They soon arrived at the place and parked at the parking lot.

The bookstore occupied an one storey building in the busy business complex. They got out of the car, Olivia's eyes glanced briefly at the name of the bookstore imprinted at the top of the first floor building.

"Laura Jean's bookstore," she read under her breath before they walked in. The bell at the door that indicates when someone walks into the store, jingled.

It was as if they had been expecting them, which they were. A woman about Mrs Helen's age and a younger woman, two to three years younger than Olivia, welcomed them.

"And this must be your daughter in law, Olivia," the older woman acknowledged.

"Yes, she is," Helen replied.