I am no longer a boy

One uncle down, two more to go.

An awful silence hung in the air as Logan had just shot Mike Preston dead on the spot without thinking twice.

"I am no longer a boy," Logan stated, staring emotionlessly at his uncle's dead body on the floor that was bathing in his own blood.

"Anyone else who wants to condescend me?" Logan inquired staring at his two uncles and business partners.

There was no response as they tried to avoid eye contact with him after just witnessing how he took his own uncle's life mercilessly.

"Take care of the body," Logan ended walking out of the study and out of the safehouse.

"He should have seen this coming. Mike was way too talkative for his own good," Salvador started once Logan was gone.

"But most importantly, we should plan on how to get rid of Logan or else, we might all end up like Mike some day," Roberte suggested.

"I agree," Salvador replied.