
"What the f*ck are you even saying Silvia? Can you even hear yourself?" Davian responded.

"It's true. If not?! Why do you keep her close? Why is it so hard for you to let her go, out of your life completely? Why are you so blind to see it? Her motives to come between us?!" Silvia asked.

Davian sighed, "You are not thinking straight, go home or go back to work. We'll continue this later, I really don't have the time nor energy for this,"

"We won't continue this later. We are discussing this now!" she responded.

"Go Silvia! Leave, please!" Davian turned and started walking away. Why would she get such insecure thoughts?

He didn't mean to leave this so unresolved but he was getting kind of tired of reassuring her even when it's so obvious that what he had with Leah was simply more of business than even friendship.

Leah wasn't coming in between them, Silvia's unnecessary jealousy and insecurities were.