Dumbass airhead

Silvia and Sentencia turned to face each other before responding.

"Uhm... she's fine...out of danger but uhm...she is currently in coma as well," Sentencia was the one responded. Silvia just stared away from Davian's eyes and funnily, Davian's gaze was on her as if he was demanding for a confirmation from her.

"Okay," he replied.

Both ladies sighed quietly.

"Okay, you should rest now Davian," Cia told.

"Nah, I have been resting for far too long-"

"Weeks," Silvia cuts in and they all shared a brief laughter.

"Okay but try to relax, Silvia's here to give you company," Cia continued.

"Yeah sure and I will. I want to get better soon, I don't really like being hospitalized or even being in the hospital. I want to see my mom soon, or she can see me first depending on who gets better first," Davian expressed.

"Yeah." Silvia responded and her eyes went to Sentencia's.

"Well, I'll take my leave now." Cia announced.