Just a friend

Olivia walked into the dressing room, her section of the dressing room and she found a dress there. It was a beautiful one, he got her a dress?

She held the dress and brought it with her back to the room.

"You got me a dress, what is the occasion?" she inquired.

"My mom's 60th birthday is coming pretty soon. Didn't you know?" Leo asked.


Hah! Of course, what was she thinking? Why would he just buy her a dress out of the blue?

"No," she answered.

"Well now you know. My mom wants to have a big party," he replied.

She nodded and returned the dress to the dressing room.


The next day, Mrs Elizabeth was finally laid to rest. Family and friends, all dressed in black, stood by the grave in the cemetery as they payed their last respect- Tossing white roses of farewell into the grave with the priest voice still in the background as he continued with the burial rites.