So much like you

Leo's and Olivia's daughter was the first they were allowed to see. Leo and his mom were the first to go see his baby girl.

"Awwn wow, have you seen anything more beautiful," Helen beamed as she saw the adorable angel.

"She looks so much like you Leo," she continues as she carried the child who began to wake up. Leo just stood close to her watching them. He was too happy to say anything.

Babies usually gave people this sense of joy and the feeling of knowing the little one was yours was something else.

"Oh wow, she has Olivia's eyes," Helen added when the girl opened her big bright eyes that were sequin blue just like her mom's.

Leo was smiling from ear to ear.

"Don't you want to hold her?" Helen questioned.

"Can I?...I mean, I don't want to drop her," he has literally never held a baby before, not even his little sister.

"C'mon, I'll show you how to." And in the next minute, Leo was holding his daughter in his arms.