Chapter 23: Work

"Good morning,sunshine."

A bleary eyed Aubrey Young nearly dropped her cup of coffee at the masculine voice that greeted her in the morning.

She knew this voice.

Startled chocolate brown eyes met with smiling amber ones.

Rhyland Leslie Darling is in her house.

What in the world was he doing here?

"You… You… You… Why are you here!?" Aubrey exclaimed, belatedly realizing the sorry state of her appearance. She must look a mess. Aubrey had not brushed her teeth nor combed her hair. That was because she hadn't been expecting to have guests at 8:00 am on a Saturday morning. And it was her habit to first eat breakfast before getting ready for the day. Aubrey self consciously tried to tidy herself as she took a seat on the dining table.

"Me? Having breakfast as you can see."