Chapter 46: A Year

A short while later, the pair finally arrived at Rhyland's mansion where they were welcomed by the butler and the head maid who both looked aghast at their sorry appearances. The head maid promptly ushered them to take a bath while the cook prepared a hearty meal.

After a long rejuvenating bath, Aubrey turned on her phone only to find over 30 missed calls and a dozen unanswered texts from Beverly. Aubrey sighed. The thought of what had happened a few nights before was enough to give her a headache.

Aubrey was still at a loss for words at Beverly's actions. She truly loves and cares for Beverly but she just can't find it in her heart to forgive the other girl right now.

Aubrey recalled Beverly's words and let out a wry laugh.

"You weren't gonna do anything about it. Plus you'd have given him to me if I asked anyways. You always do."