Chapter 126: Can I Keep You?

"Nana Bella!" Aubrey admonished lightly. "What did I say about eavesdropping on other people?"

"Oh come now. It's fine as long as the other party doesn't mind." Grandma Bella who had since sauntered over to the kitchen gave Professor Wentworth a wink. "Right?"

"That's quite a logical assumption, yes." Professor Wentworth winked back and said with a short laugh.

"Come stay for dinner. I'm making Korean." Said Grandma Bella as she began rummaging through the fridge for ingredients.

"Thank you. I'd love to stay for dinner. Can I help you with anything?" The man asked politely.

"No, no. You're a guest." The old woman said with a wave of her hand.

"Nana doesn't like when people mess with her kitchen." Aubrey said conspiratorially and Professor Wentworth nodded in understanding. I also didn't like it when people messed with his food. Everyone who's tried to steal his prey has ended up dead. But that's a story for another day.