Chapter 218: A Compromise 

Rhyland let out a short laugh. He didn't think this matter would be brought up in this manner.

Of course, Rhyland had every intention to proclaim Aubrey as his mate.

He wasn't a dine and dash type of person. Aubrey had given all of herself to him and he was truly appreciative of this. 

Plus he had already imprinted on her and he can't see himself with anyone else other than Aubrey. He was also completely and utterly in love with her.

So it was only natural to name Aubrey as his mate. 

However, this was supposed to be after all the matters with the Council and the The Royals had been resolved. He didn't want to drag Aubrey into the mess they were currently in. But who would've known that the girl herself would be an eager party to entangle herself with this.

"Let me get this straight. You want me to proclaim you as my mate?" Rhyland asked in clarification and Aubrey's cheeks colored as she nodded.

"Yes." She said quietly.