Consume the dark


"Why did you do this"...

"No please, I swear to the gods we are innocent"...

"Are you trying to say His majesty is at fault"...

"No, pl..please"....

"Answer me!"...

"You...Your majesty"...

"Silence!, when men are talking women don't interfere"...

"I plead your highness, I plead have mercy"....


"Seize them away right now"....

"No, please... please don't do this, Your highness, we plead"...

"We have no where to go"...

"Utter another one and You will be hanged"...

"No, please"....

"What are you waiting for, seize those traitors"...


"Our daughter... she's sick, she would die"...

"Seize them now"...

"We plead" ..

"See to it, they never step foot in the Kingdom ever again"...


"Neither would the traitors child gets any treatment"...

"Yes, Your majesty"....

No please, please don't do this....


No one ever the listened, no one at all, they left me, they watch us perish, but now the story is going to take it new turn, it new twist, it new nightmare..."ME"!....

I was the one going to make that happen, they dared do this to us, they ruined everything, everyone I love, I did nothing to deserve this, but now it's time to return the favor back...

It's time now. I'll return all the deaths they had inflicted on me, I'll return it all, and I would do it with him...The useless Crown prince...

His father had the gut to destroy my entire life, but I?, I'll destroy his son entire soul, I'll crush him into a million pieces and I won't stop, this is the game of the hearts, and I'll win...

I'll make him fall in love with me, then I'll shatter him completely, ruthlessly, this will be consequence of what his father had done.

His son would experience what I had bared ever single day for, his son will experienced true suffering....

I'll kill them all when that happens, one by one I'll watch all of them eat from the same poison I did. No one would be spared, no one at all....

One year, just one year, I'll have it all, my mission would be completed....

King why could you dare think you can get your son married, give him everything, No, you can't do this without me

Wait for me and watch has I repay him with every blood you have made me shed, mark my words...

My eyes drifted back to life, as it watch them..The maidens, as they kept on giving the sicky look, slowly moving away with their bags and luggage, but I?, I had none to carry, I cared less...

I wasn't here to win his heart and wed him, Never!...

I was here to destroy him, to destroy all of them ruthlessly. For all the accusations, humiliations, suffering, Everything!, I'll give them back...

Almighty king Japheth watch out for the venom, watch out for me, watch out for the...

"You alright?" It was a question, it was from a voice, the same voice that had bled on my ears some minutes ago, it the same voice yet again.

Turning around to look at her, my eyes met her light ones yet again, indeed it was truly this fool...

Deep within me, I could feel my blood, it was boiling, she was pissing me off so very much, she was ruining my scheming, no one ever dare did that...

She was going to get what coming...A taste of madness...

"You already told me to come down from the train, isn't that enough?" I questioned, but hell no was I going to let her speak, I needed no bloody explanation to that...

My boiling eyes met hers again, Eyebrows already tilted up, still I cared less...

"Why on earth are you still here, oh pardon!, how dare you follow me" It roared out, my voice did, it may have caused attention, then let it be so.

I was too frustrated to care about all that garbage. My eyes drifted back to hers, it's shaky, she's afraid, this want I wanted..

Fear!, but still she would have answer all my question, she dare not run away without answering me...

"Why are you following me" I repeated the second time, the words rang into her skull, she finally looked me in the eyes once again, as I watch her lips slowly parting away....

"I beg your pardon, I am assigned to be with you until you complete your task...My name is Catherine" She uttered, my eyebrows lifting up, my mind processing everything she just spat out...

"Who's the goddamn person that asked you to do that" My mouth speaks, it spoke out all the frustration held deep in my soul, as my eyes kept on glued to hers...

I've been alone all my life, who would do this, I needed no one favour, I need no one at all, I want no debts...

It stares back to her eyes, her lips are still shut, my heart is pissed, Again.

"I asked you who sent you" I repeated, voice yelling out this time, she's scared, but now her lips finally part again, she'll speak ..

"La..lady Adeline" Her voice came out faint, her head slowly lowering down, but I heard it all, my confused heart, it bleeds yet again..

"RUN!..., Don't dare look back"..

Her words still rings in my head, her words still hunts me, I can't rest now, cause I know not if she's fine, I know nothing...

My head spin, the world coming in front of me, but I dare not be weak now, I dare not, I tell myself, letting out a deep sigh...

Only God knows how long, how long she had been planning for this, where she had got all the money from...

Only God knows, how long she had actually cared about me, when I cared less about anyone else...

Only God knows if it was actually a genuine care, or she was just using me all along, using me as a weapon for her revenge scheme, either way, I've been used all my life, this changes nothing...

If all her care was a deceit, then it's fine, I also want vengeance, so I didn't lose either way.

My heart racked, it's troubled, but still my expression remained lifeless, blank and dead, as all I could do is hope...

All I can hope for, is that she's at least fine and save, but if she's not, if it's the opposite, then I'll consider her lucky, it would be better and she'd be privilege, she'd find at last peace...

I'd be glad, at least one would be free, she'd would make it to the afterlife, if there was even one at all..

I believe not in myths, nor heaven or hell, but still, yet again, if there's actually one, I hope she finds peace so eternal, At last.

"You are new here" Her voice creeped into me, it brought me back to this worthless life again, it brought me back to existence...

My eyes slowly meeting hers, it flickers, but still my lips are shut, as I watch her look me in the eyes, she breathes in and out, her lips parted once more...

"I swear I'll be devoted to only you, I'll help you to get your vengeance, I want that too, not only you they all have wronged, not only you"..

Her lips tells of the hatred in her heart, am glad, but my expression remains blank, nothing to see, cause still I trust no one, she was no exception at all...

My eyes trailing up to her bitter ones again, a grin formed, but at the same time, it faded away as fast as magic, the smile on my face was gone, yet again.

All left there was pain, not less

"If you want to stay with me, even when I don't need you, then you will have to do everything all say, you have to follow my rules"...

My bitter lips spat out, as her eyebrows arched up, but why would I care, I have no reason to..

I looked into her confused eyes, it looks back at me, This is all I needed, Her attention, her devotion....

Rule 1: Unless I ask you to, keep your mouth shut or you watch me as I cut it off, I'll love to see it bleed...

Rule 2: Anything I do, anywhere I go, stay out of it. Unless I tell you, don't dare ever ask...

Rule 3: And if I don't ask for your opinion, let it die within yourself...

My heart yelled out, her eyes shaky, I love the sight. Immediately disengaging the eye lock, my legs turns around to leave, only to stop again...

"I don't care what you do, but if you can't keep up with this rules, then I free you to leave to where the goddamn hell you came from, but if you stay, then do only what I say"...

I cleared this up one last time, as I could feel my legs again, it slowly moved, it slowly made it way back to the bitter hunting memories, back to my death....

"The cursed almighty palace"....