Tapping into the map digitally, Ace zoomed close into the premises, scouring the trees to pluck out a familiar area where the birthday bash had occurred. Hibis and Kaden flanked his sides in silence. The three huddled at the campfire, their only source of bright light—the kindling sparks and the rays from the sun peering in from the leaves. He chewed on his gums in concentration, for Mount Liraz was wide and had large acres of land that could hold the place where the picnic was held. It wasn’t too large, but not too small either—however, with only two of his executives by his side, even a hundred acres was slightly difficult to examine in detail.
Ace eyed Kaden studying the map keenly. “How many acres can you take?” He asked the man, who licked his lips in thought, answering carefully. “I think…at most, I can scan maybe 20 acres at a time?” The leader nodded back, then tapped at the south of Mount Liraz, where plenty of land was uncovered by trees and habitats.