
Madison POV

It's a new day, a brand new day indeed. Only God knows what lies ahead of me for today.

I already left my house for the hospital, yes my own house.

I love the fact that I'm an independent woman, at this age I was able to buy my own house and buy my car, there are still many more for me to do.

I wore a smile on my face and stepped down the car, yes I'm at the hospital already.

I left home as fast as I could, Doctor Melvin already said I have a boy to attend to today and that'd be this morning so I don't want to get late even though good things take time ^_^.

I made my way through the hospital doors heading to my office, the nurses and other staffs around bowed their head in greetings and with smiles on their beautiful face.

"Dr Madison!" One of them called with a bright smile.

I smiled back waving my hands at them, I know I am loved her, no doubts.

I took a right turn heading to my office and just before I pulled the doors open, I heard my name loudly from behind.

That's definitely Krystal.

"Madison!!!" She squealed.

I shut my eyes tight and slapped my forehead.

"What's up girl? I hope you're fine?" I asked her as I turned back to see her looking as beautiful as always.

"Yes I am, hope you're good too? I called you this morning but your weren't picking up your calls" she replied.

"Oh yeah, I saw your call later because I was in the bathroom, I'm sorry" I apologized with a sincere smile

"Yeah, I thought as much. It's okay then, doctor Melvin asked me to tell you your patient is waiting" she replied with a wink before she turned to leave


What says the time?

Why does he have to come this early?

Is the appointment that early?

I groaned lowly as I took slow steps into my office, I thought I could rest a little.

I've been having body pains lately but now I can't rest because my patient is waiting.

I shook my head and sat on my seat for a few minutes.

I just hope I don't pass out one day.


A few minutes later, I stood up from my seat already dressed in my white coat, I walked out of the office to the waiting room where my patient would definitely be.

I could see doctor Melvin talking to a nurse, he turned to my direction and looked away then looked again back at me with a smile on his face.

I smiled back and walked to him after the nurse left, "Hi Madison, how are you doing?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not bad doctor" I replied

"You're ready for your patient right? He's over there with his parents" he replied and gestured me to look back.

I turned around and saw this little boy with a bandage around his head, he looked happy and I could see two grown up adults beside him, probably his parents though they're looking aged.

"I'll leave you to work then" Doctor Melvin said and tapped my right shoulder before he walked away.

I smiled and took steps to the boy, he turned to me even before his parents did and smiled brightly at me.

His two front teeth were out making him look more cute.

"Hi there!" I smiled waving my hands at him

"Hi doctor, you're doctor Madison right?" He smiled at me and I nod my head.

"Yes love, I am.and you must be Daniel right?" I replied and his parents nods their head.

"Yes doctor" he replied

"Great, come with me then.. let's get started, momma and daddy would be waiting for you" I smiled as stretched my hands out at him.

He placed his hands on my palm and walked down from his seat.

"Thanks doctor" his father said to me.

They look Asian.. obviously they are Asians.

"Have anything to say to dad and mom?" I asked the little boy. He smiled at me then turned to his parents

"I am going to be fine, so you should not get scared Mom, and dad onceber leave this hospital, you'd take me to grandma okay?" He smiled.

His parents laughed lowly and nod their head in reply.

I walked in to the dressing room holding the little boy in my hand, I sat him down on a seat and sat before him. Few nurses were in the room to assist me.

"Okay, I'll start by taking off your bandage" I winked at him then began.

Zach Westley

I'm getting tired of staying at home, I want to see Madison even though my presence would get her mad, I love when she gets mad.

I walked out of the mansion to my car, Adrian raised his brows at me but I ignored and kept walking straight to the car garage.

I met Zane leaning against his car, " yo bro! Where you going?" He asked me

" I'll be home soon, you take care of yourself" I replied instead and stepped into my car before I drove away.

*****Few minutes later*****

Madison POV

I am almost done dressing his wound, ask me how he got such an ugly wound on his head…

A ceiling fan that was supposed to fall on him didn't but only cut his head.

Thank goodness it was just that.

"You don't need to keep wearing bandage again" I said with a smile since I already stitched it up.

"Thanks doctor" he smiled

"You're really strong" I replied and opened my hands at him for a hug.

He got down from his seat and immediately threw his hands around me.

"That's a good one, now we'll go meet mom and dad" I giggled and pulled away to leave the room with him.

I went to his parents, they had this expectant look on their face but as soon as they saw me with their son, a smile appeared on their face immediately.

"Thanks doctor" his dad said immediately.

"Doctor Madison is really a sweetheart mom" the little kid said making me laugh

"Well thanks"

"You have a man standing behind you doctor" his mom said pointing behind me. She had this frightened look on her face.


I turned around to see Zach standing behind me with his hands tucked in his pocket.

" What now…" I muttered lowly and turned back to them.

"Well, I am done now, I hope you have a great day" I waved at them with a fake smile.

Why would Zach have to suddenly show up again.

I turned to him and held his hands pulling him away with me to somewhere I can stay and talk sense into his head.

He tagged behind me like I wanted, I let go of his hand and released a heavy sigh.

"What is your problem Zach??" I asked with a wide eyes

"How hard is it for you to get, why do you have to keep showing up in my workplace?! Why you have to scare my patients? I already made it clear to you to stay away from me is it that hard?!!" I asked angrily putting my hardest glare on him.

" You look cute when you're angry" he replied with a cocky grin, getting me more pissed.

The tone he used to speak to me only brought back memories of what happened that night at the club.

" You're actually dumber than I thought, don't you have anything else to do than to show up?" I half yelled as I rolled my eyes.

"Look, Lemme get this straight into your head. I am not who you might be thinking I am. You don't have to keep showing up her, don't have to keep punching people, you're in a hospital! And I am a well respected doctor, If you can't maintain yourself then you should stop showing up, the sight of you with me scares my patients and I don't want that. I don't want you either, so stop all what you're doing!!" I yelled.

The thought of me talking to a Mafia boss this way is beginning to creep me out.

"We had sex, you know I was wasted so it would be stupid of you to think you can have me li—" my statement were interrupted immediately by the sudden grip around my neck.

Zach gripped my neck tightly and pushed my back to the wall.

His eyes showed nothing but anger. " You know I can kill you right now Madison, I could slit your throat and no one would stop me for that or even say a word about it"