Home again

Chapter 19: Home again

Madison POV

I am set for the day; I took slow steps to my bag stand and picked out a white Chanel bag then walked out of my room after dressing up in a blue fitted gown and a white stiletto shoe. I am a hundred percent sure I would have a tight schedule today. I released a heavy sigh then walked out through my door as I pulled my hair behind my ear.

I wonder where Krystal could be now, could she be with Kingsley or alone?

I bit my lower lips with a shrug then walked down the stairs majestically. “Are you ready?” I heard her voice from my right side.

“Well, I was just thinking of you and yes, I am ready” I smiled as I turned to look at her looking as elegant as always.

“Where is Kingsley?” I asked her then turned to look around the room but there was no sign of him around. “He is probably dressing up to leave” she replied with a smile.