Bills on me

Kingsley POV

His reply struck me immediately, A Doctor?

What would a mafia be doing with a doctor? Then, on my second though… I thought of the doctor he is probably with.

The only Doctors that popped into my head are Krystal and Madison. No, it can’t be them..

But Madison seemed to be seeing someone, I remember last night she got a text that made her blush and frown at the same time. And Krystal on the other hand said she loves someone else..

“What are you thinking of?” Kevin nudged my elbow bringing me back to reality.

I faked a smile at him then shook my head.. it would be so stupid to say my thoughts to him.

Why would I think my cousin and my ex crush are seeing a Mafia.

It's so lame

"You seem to be lost..What were you thinking of dude?" He asked me.

"Nothing really" I replied and placed my hand on the door knob to open the door but he spoke up again and I paused.

"Spill it" he replied as he held my hands and looked into my eyes.