Can't work?

Madison POV

Since Liam decides to be in a bad mood because I am here with Zach, I decided to talk to him hoping he would give me a listening ear and be gentle with me. Instead, it was something else.

I followed him to a bar stand to have one or two words with him. Even with the mask he has over his face, I can tell he is still frowning.

“What is it?” he asks coldly and I sighed.

“I’ve been noticing your face all through, I mean since you saw me. Even at the hospital you face was like this. Don’t you ever smile?” I ask and he scoffed

“What exactly do you want from Zach? You better leave him alone because I can assure you that you won’t want to be with him” he replied and I blinked rapidly at him.

“Oh really? Why say so?” I scoff as I fold my hands and pulled it closer to my chest.