
Madison POV

As soon as Dr. Melvin left the office, I walked to the bed and sat beside Zach. I examine his cuts and bruises on his face. His stomach has been stitched and his arm too. I feel horrible, really horrible.

“I shouldn’t have sent you away right?” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

“I am so sorry” I added trying not to cry but I couldn’t help it.

I placed my hands on his left cheek caressing it, “I’m here okay? I’ll not leave you again. I promise” I whispered as I laid down on his chest still caressing him.

“Keep doing that, it feels so good.”

“Holy Molly!” I jumped back hearing Zach’s voice.

“You’re awake. What the hell Zach! You startled me” I breathed out heavily.

“I said keep doing it” he sasses back and I rolled my eyes

“Zach, I hope you’re fine” I said to him and he returned a smile at me.

“She cares about me, how sweet” he smiled and reached to cup my cheeks