Krystal's Danger

Madison POV

It’s been over 5 hours now and I have been seated quietly alone, Zach would get up to do one or two things which I have no idea about since I am tied down.

I haven't spoken to Krystal yet and I really can’t to, she must be mad at me for leaving without informing her, it is not like I wanted to.

I felt a cool soft breath against my neck as my eyes went wide open, I turned my face to my left side and saw Zach’s face beside mine.

“Zach Westly, you know I can’t jump down the plane, I love my life so please untie me.” I groaned and he smirked instead as he crouches down to the ground staring at me.

“I am pretty and I know it, so now do as I say.” I roll my eyes and hear him laugh Instead.

“Dear Madison, you clearly have no idea why I tied you down. Do you?” he asks with a smile that’s only confusing me.

“No, I don’t!” I scoff and he takes my hands into his.

“Do you remember teasing me in your living room?” he asked with a smirk.