Lady Agnes and Sibylla

Servants rush in and out of the huge dining hall, carrying refreshments to Lady Agnes, the mother of King Baldwin and Princess Sibylla. "Why is that girl taking so long?" inquired Lady Agnes, who, despite her age, possessed a refined and dignified appearance, with a thin and delicate stature, fair white skin, blue grey eyes, and a sharp nose, as she sips her tea.

"Patience, mother... I am sure the new queen was well informed that we were going to visit her," Princess Sibylla, who sat next her mother, says. like her brother King Baldwin, who has stunning features and lovely ocean blue eyes.

"You know I don't like to be kept waiting... I already don't like her even though I've never met her, and now I have every reason to," Lady Agnes remarked sarcastically. "If I had known his majesty intended to marry, I would have introduced him to several ladies from a good family background," lady Agnes hissed.