Chapter Two: Greek God

Valerie sighed heavily as she curled her fists and entered the company.

She met with the receptionist and enquired as to the interview which she was shown the way. Her heels made a soft clanking sound on the tiled floor as she made her way to the interview room.

Those shoes were dry and looked a little bit worn out, but that was all she had. Those black heels were her babies. She never played with them.

She finally got to the room and knocked on the door, she waited for a few minutes until she got approval to enter the room. As she opened the door, she was shocked to her marrow when she saw the person in front of her.

She was expecting to be interviewed by an old, wrinkly man or over bearing woman that would give her a really hard time and ask obnoxious questions.

She had never really been on an interview before. At least not physical.

She had online interviews and attended classes that gave you hints on how to behave yourself at an interview but she had never been on a 'face-to-face' interview before.

The man before her left her dumbfounded. He looked like a Greek god with those well defined jaws and his black hair that was neatly swept to the side.

"Well, have a seat" he motioned to her and she slowly moved to the chair he was pointing and sat down. She had to compose herself.

He had this smile that seemed to be stuck on his face as he studied her files on the table before him.

After flipping through pages for a long time, he closed the file.

"What's your name?"

She blinked.

Was he playing with her?!

He had just literally finished examining her files and had information on her. Of all the questions he could ask, it was her name?!

What kind of interviewer was this?!

Nevertheless, she kept her cool and answered with a smile "My name is Valerie Henders sir"

He nodded his head as he stared at her file again. After a few minutes, he raised his head "Congratulations, you're hired"

Valerie became confused immediately. What did he mean 'hired'? He hadn't even asked her anything like why she wanted to work at the company or what she would do to make the company grow from her own office should she be employed.

She was just hired! Just like that!

It made her suspicious and she couldn't help but ask "Excuse me sir, did you say hired?"

He chuckled "You heard what I said, or you don't want this job? I can retract the employment if you don't want it"

She hurriedly shot up from her seat and shook her head "No! No! I want it! I want the job! Thank you so much for this opportunity sir, I promise I won't let you down!" She enthusiastically appreciated him and he gave a short chuckle

"See you Monday, Miss Henders" and with that, he stood up and shook her hand.

Valerie thanked him one more time and left the company. As she was walking out of the company, she had a calm and collected expression on her face.

But when she was ten feet away from the company, she squealed in delight as she jumped up and down

"Oh my God! I can't believe this, I got the job! I got the job!! Wait till May hears this! I got a job!"

It was too good to be true


Valerie sat on the small couch in the parlour as she impatiently waited for May to get back from work.

May worked at a small bakery down the street where they baked snacks and bread. As a result of that, Valerie was really lucky because May would always bring back small chops for her.

Some were given to her by her boss as he loved May's hardworking nature and some were 'collected' by her.

She called it 'self-tip'

The door opened and a tired looking May dragged herself inside "God! I'm so tired!" She exclaimed and broke into a smile when she saw Valerie

"Hey Val, wassup? How did your interview go?" She asked and made to sit near her.

Valerie shifted uncomfortably in her position "I- I didn't get the job" she said dejectedly as she hung her head and put on a pitiful face.

May sighed and patted Valerie's hair "Oh Boo! It's alright, you'll get another one. I didn't have faith in that company anyways. Besides, it's their loss that they rejected you, they don't know the treasure they just lost! Don't worry about it dear, you'll definitely get another offer, one that's so big, you'll cry your eyes out thinking about it"

Valerie's heart thumped when she heard that.

May was really horrible at consoling people.

She shuddered at the thought of bawling her eyes out because of a job and hurriedly admitted "I got the job May, I was just messing with you, don't take it too far"

May looked stunned for a moment, then she let rip a long laugh "I knew it! I knew you would get that job! I had faith in you, I knew that they'd take you. The company would be mad not to take you! I knew they'd see the value in you. Oh! I'm so proud of you!" She laughed and hugged Valerie.

Valerie's eye twitched.

Didn't this human being just say that she didn't have faith in the company giving her a job?!...